MagicSmoke  $VERSION$
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CCouponVerifierThis class verifies that the rules of a coupon are adhered to
 CDbEngineAbstract base class for database engines
 CDBUpgradePerforms an upgrade from a 1.x database to a current 2.x database
 CEventPlanThis class is used to verify tickets in a new order and to assign seats
 CEventRenderWrapper arount event (list) rendering for the web UI
 CMachineUserEncapsulated machine user/role/host management in several static functions; it is called directly from the user centered transactions; DO NOT USE THIS CLASS OUTSIDE TRANSACTION CONTEXT!
 CSessionThe session class
 CTemplateCompilerHelper class that compiles templates and caches them
 CWebCartHelper class wrapping Web Cart handling logic, the class wrapping the tables is WOWebCart in wext/webcart.php
 CWobSchemaBaseThis class parses the high-level description of the database structure generated by woc; access it via WobScheme::*
 CWobTableParent class of all tables
 CWobTransactionBaseAncestor of all Transactions