| hasProperty ($p) |
| newKey () |
| __get ($name) |
| returns the property/column More...
| __isset ($name) |
| checks whether a column exists More...
| __set ($name, $value) |
| set properties More...
| __unset ($name) |
| unsets column-properties to NULL More...
| deleteFromDb () |
| deletes this instance from the database; returns true if it actually executed More...
| hasColumn ($c) |
| returns whether the table contains a specific column More...
| hasProperty ($c) |
| overridden by woc, returns true if the property exists More...
| insert () |
| insert the object under a new primary key value into the DB (implicitly calls newKey); returns true on success More...
| insertOrUpdate () |
| updates existing object in the database or inserts it if it does not exist in the DB yet More...
| isAuditable () |
| returns whether this is an auditable table More...
| isChanged () |
| returns whether any property has changed since the last DB sync More...
| isColumnChanged ($c) |
| returns whether a specific column has changed since the last DB sync More...
| newKey () |
| generate a new primary key value for insert and marks the object as not yet in the DB; the default sets the primary key to NULL if it is a sequence; call the original first if you overwrite it More...
| revert ($name) |
| reverts changes to the property More...
| revertAll () |
| reverts all changes to properties More...
| setFromArray (array $data) |
| set multiple properties More...
| tableName () |
| returns the name of the table More...
| update () |
| updates the object in the database; returns true on success; fails if it did not come from the DB - use insertOrUpdate in this case; succeeds without asking the database if nothing has changed More...
| where () |
| returns the where clause to find this instance (via primary key columns) More...