MagicSmoke  $VERSION$
WTrOrderChangeComments Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for WTrOrderChangeComments:
MSmokeTransaction WobTransaction WobTransactionBase

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 getcomments ()
 getorderid ()
 handleRequest ()
 havePrivilege ($priv)
 resultorder ()
 setorder ($v)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MSmokeTransaction
 __construct ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from WobTransactionBase
 abortWithError ($text, $type="server")
 called to abort a transactions flow More...
 getHeader ($hd)
 called to determine the session id or other headers More...
 handleException ($ex)
 called for generic exception handling More...
 notAuthenticated ()
 called if authentication fails More...
 xmlParserError ()
 called if XML parsing fails More...

Static Public Member Functions

static execute ($orderid, $comments)
static privileges ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WobTransaction
static commVersion ()
static getTransactionName ()
static handle ()
static messageEncoding ()
static needCommVersion ()
static privilegeNames ()
static transactionNames ()
static version ()
static xmlPackNamespace ()
static xmlProjectNamespace ()
static xmlSchemaNamespace ()
static xmlSoap12Namespace ()
static xmlXmlNamespace ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WobTransactionBase
static debug ($str, $level=self::DebugMisc)
 inserts a comment as debug statement More...
static getDebug ()
 return debug comment now (called from xmlToString() and TransactionError More...
static getExecutingName ()
 returns the name of the currently running transaction More...
static getInstance ()
 returns the currently running instance of a transaction More...
static getTransactionNameSoap ()
 called to determine the correct transaction, aborts the script if there is none. More...
static getTransactionNameWob ()
 Wob message encoding: called to determine the correct transaction, aborts the script if there is none. More...
static noSuchTransaction ()
 called if the transaction is not known. More...
static printDebug ()
 print debug comment now (called from xmlToString() and TransactionError More...
static setDebugLevel ($level)
 set the debug level of the server More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from WobTransactionBase
const DebugAll = 0x0ffffff
 activate all debug (used only in setDebugLevel()) More...
const DebugDbAll = 0x00000ff
 output all database related actions (used only in setDebugLevel()) More...
const DebugDbError = 0x0000001
 debug database errors More...
const DebugDbQuery = 0x0000002
 debug database queries when they are executed More...
const DebugDbStatement = 0x0000004
 debug database statements when they are constructed More...
const DebugDbTransaction = 0x0000008
 debug database transaction start/end More...
const DebugMisc = 0x0800000
 miscellaneous debug output (default level) More...
const DebugNone = 0
 no debugging (used only in setDebugLevel()) More...
const DebugTransactions = 0x0000100
 debug transaction related actions More...
const DebugUrgent = 0x1000000
 flag: output the debug string immediately (risks losing headers, used only in debug()) More...
const Soap12Encoding =1
 encode messages in a mode compatible with SOAP 1.2, which is much less effective than WobEncoding More...
const WobEncoding =0
 encode messages according to PACK standard - with minimal XML levels More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MSmokeTransaction
 abortTransaction ()
 commitTransaction ()
 isAuthenticated ()
 isAuthorized ($tn)
 mkSession ()
 startTransaction ($updating)
 userName ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WobTransactionBase
 __construct ()
 abortNotImplemented ()
 called internally if a transaction is not implemented More...
 abortTransaction ()
 stub: overwrite this to implement a real transaction abort action (eg. More...
 commitTransaction ()
 stub: overwrite this to implement a real transaction commit action (eg. More...
 getRequestXml ()
 retrieves the XML data from the request and parses headers More...
 isAuthenticated ()
 stub: returns whether the user is authenticated, overwrite if you want to use authenticated or authorized transactions More...
 isAuthorized ($transactioName)
 stub: returns whether the user is authorized to run a specific transaction, overwrite if you want to use authorized transactions More...
 startTransaction ($updating)
 stub: overwrite this to implement a real transaction start action (eg. More...
 userName ()
 stub: returns the name of the user (default returns empty string) More...
 xmlCreate ($elem)
 internal: returns an initialized XML array ("doc"=>DomDocument, "root"=>transaction rool DomElement) More...
 xmlToString ($xml)
 internal: converts XML array to string representation More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from WobTransactionBase
 $headers =array()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from WobTransactionBase
static $debuglev =0
static $debugstr =""
static $instance =null
static $running =""

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

WTrOrderChangeComments::__construct ( )

Member Function Documentation

static WTrOrderChangeComments::execute (   $orderid,
WTrOrderChangeComments::getcomments ( )
WTrOrderChangeComments::getorderid ( )
WTrOrderChangeComments::havePrivilege (   $priv)
static WTrOrderChangeComments::privileges ( )
WTrOrderChangeComments::resultorder ( )
WTrOrderChangeComments::setorder (   $v)

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