►CEngine | |
►CMElamEngine | |
CMOAFormula | |
CMOdfEngine | |
CHelpUrl | |
CMagicSmokeMain | Shortcut: the main function |
►CMBarcodePlugin | Base class of barcode scanner plugins |
CMHidBarcodePlugin | |
CMBoxWrapper | |
CMCheckItem | Class for items that can be displayed in a MCheckDialog |
CMCleanup | Clean-up function: executes a lambda expression when it is destructed (i.e. when the instance leaves its scope |
CMETUtility | While the object lives the tab handed to it is disabled, it automatically reenables when the disable object dies; it also refocuses the scan line |
CMHidKeyEvent | |
CMHidKeyLayout | |
CMKey | |
►CMLabel | Base class that describes labels |
CMTELabel | |
CMTicketLabel | |
CMVoucherLabel | |
CMLabelConfig | Access to the label specific configuration |
►CMLabelRenderer | Base class for all label rendering classes |
CMTicketRenderer | Convenience class: renders vouchers directly |
CMVoucherRenderer | Convenience class: renders vouchers directly |
CMLabelRendererPrivate | |
CMLocalFormat | Localized formatter class for timestamps, numbers and money; per default it uses the local translation to format data, but can be overidden; |
►CMOdtRenderer | Abstract base class for all ODT rendering classes |
CMBillRenderer | Displays an order and allows the user to execute several commands on it |
CMOdtSignalRenderer | Generic class that implements MOdtRenderer by calling signals; the signals must be connected using a direct or blocking connection; if any of them is not used it will behave as if the variable/loop did not exist |
CMOdtRendererPrivate | |
►CMOSeatPlanAbstract | |
CMOSeatPlan | This class is used to parse seat plans on either side |
CMSslExceptions | Helper class: stores and compares SSL-Exceptions |
CMStickRenderer | A Twig-like renderer for HTML pages or other text based documents |
CMStickToken | |
CMStickTokenizer | |
CMTemplate | This class wraps a single template |
CMTemplateStore | This class implements the storage end of the template subsystem, its only instance exists in the webrequest |
CPaper_s | |
►CQAbstractItemModel | |
CMDomItemModel | This is a specialized model type that shows and allows to manipulate a DOM tree |
►CQAbstractSpinBox | |
CMCentSpinBox | |
►CQApplication | |
CMApplication | Main application object of MagicSmoke |
►CQDialog | |
CBLogin | |
CMAddressChoiceDialog | Wrapper dialog to chose an address; updates the customer is there is a change |
CMAddressDialog | Dialog for editing exactly one address |
CMAppStyleDialog | |
CMBackupDialog | Helper class for Backup settings |
CMBarcodeConfiguration | Scanner Configuration Dialog |
CMCentDialog | |
CMCheckDialog | Dialog that consists of check boxes in a QScrollArea |
CMClientConfig | Configures which client is available for selection |
CMConfigDialog | Login and profile configuration window |
CMCustomerDialog | Edit a specific customer |
CMCustomerListDialog | Shows a list of customers, lets the user select and offers to alter/create customers |
CMEEPriceEdit | Helper class for event editor: edits a price |
CMEventEditor | Create and edit events |
CMEventSummary | Shows a summary for the event |
CMFlagEditor | Enables the user to edit flags attached to an entity as defined by MagicSmoke |
CMKeyGen | |
CMLabelDialog | Dialog that allows to select which labels on a sheet of paper are used |
CMLabelPrintDialog | Dialog that allows to configure details on how to print a label |
CMNewCustomerWizard | Wizard for creating a new customer |
CMOfficeConfig | Configuration dialog for OpenOffice access |
CMOrderAuditDialog | |
CMOrderItemView | Helper class: displays tickets and vouchers |
CMOrdersByUserDlg | |
CMOrdersReport | |
CMPasswordChange | Helper dialog for changing passwords |
CMPaymentDialog | Simple dialog to enter payment data |
CMPaymentEditor | Editor for payment types, this is a direct interface to the paymenttype table on the server side |
CMPCDEdit | Helper class: edit a price category |
CMPClientConfig | |
CMPriceCategoryDialog | Shows a list of price categories, allows to edit them, returns the one selected |
CMPServerConfig | |
CMShippingChange | Helper class: allows to change the shipping option |
CMShippingEditor | |
CMTemplateChoice | Gives the user a choice of template variants; used by MTemplateStore only! |
CMTemplateEditor | Lets the user add and remove templates and variants to/from the database; used by MWebRequest! |
CMUserAuditDialog | |
CQDomNodeIterator | |
►CQFrame | |
CMAddressWidget | Displays exactly one address; even though it offers to edit or delete addresses, it does not actually do any change on the database |
►CQItemDelegate | |
CMCartTableDelegate | Helper class for shopping cart: allow editing amount, but nothing else |
CMContactTableDelegate | Helper class for customer contact table |
CMFlagEditorDelegate | |
CMTEExampleDelegate | |
CMTELabelDelegate | |
►CQLabel | |
CMServerClock | |
►CQLineEdit | |
CMBarcodeLine | |
►CQList | |
CMHidKeySequence | |
CMKeySequence | |
CMOAAuditList | |
►CQListView | |
CMListView | Enhances QTreeView to react a bit friendlier on clicks |
►CQMainWindow | |
CMOdfEditor | An editor for ticket templates |
CMOrderWindow | Displays an order and allows the user to execute several commands on it |
►CMTabWin | Main Overview Window |
CMAclWindow | |
CMOverview | Main Overview Window |
CMTicketEditor | An editor for ticket templates |
►CQObject | |
CEFilter | |
CMBarcodeHub | Central barcode scanner hub, this is used by widgets that require barcodes, plugins report (indirectly) to the hub |
►CMBarcodeScanner | Base class of actual scanner implementations |
CMHidBarcodeScanner | |
CMHidBarcodePlugin | |
►CMOADynamicObject | |
CMOAItem | |
CMOAParcel | |
CMOdtSignalRenderer | Generic class that implements MOdtRenderer by calling signals; the signals must be connected using a direct or blocking connection; if any of them is not used it will behave as if the variable/loop did not exist |
►CMProgressWrapper | |
CMProgressWrapperDebug | |
CMProgressWrapperGui | |
CMSessionClient | |
CMSessionManager | |
CPrintingRun | Represents a single printing run with multiple orders to be printed |
CPrintScheduler | Central scheduler class for the Print at Home client |
►CQScrollArea | |
CMAddressListWidget | Widget that displays a list of addresses, it uses MAddressWidget to display every single address |
►CQSystemTrayIcon | |
CPrintIcon | This represents the icon in the system tray and the main UI of the Print at Home client |
►CQTableView | |
CMOWTableView | Helper class that has a more sensible sizeHint than the original QTableView - it tries to make sure the full table is visible |
►CQTextBrowser | |
CMEventView | Event Viewer |
►CQTreeView | |
CMTreeView | Enhances QTreeView to react a bit friendlier on clicks |
►CQWidget | |
CMCartTab | Main Overview Window: cart tab |
CMEntranceTab | Main Overview Window |
CMEventsTab | Main Overview Window: Event List Tab |
CMFlagTab | Flag admin tab |
CMFlagWidget | Simple widget that displays flags and allows to edit them |
CMHostTab | Host admin tab |
CMLogin | Login and profile configuration window |
CMOrdersTab | Main Overview Window: order list tab |
CMRoleTab | Role admin tab |
CMUsbBarcodeConfig | |
CMUsbScannerConfig | |
CMUserTab | User admin tab |
►CSharedDPtr | |
CMLocalFormat::Private | |
CSMHmac | Calculate a cryptographic HMAC (used by authentication algorithm) |
CWaitCursor | Simple class to show a busy-cursor while an instance of it exists |
►CWInterface | |
►CMInterface | MagicSmoke interface class |
CMSInterface | MagicSmoke specific interface class - enhances the basic interface by some functionality needed in the MagicSmoke context |
►CWObject | |
►CMOAddressAbstract | |
CMOAddress | |
CMOArtist | |
CMOCartItem | |
CMOCartOrder | The cart as used from the remote (non-web) system, this is a transaction object, it has no equivalent inside the database |
CMOCartTicket | Encapsulates tickets for a specific event in a specific price category as they are stored in the cart. One instance of CartTicket can contain several tickets. This class is used by the client to tell the server about new orders and by the Web UI to actually store its cart |
CMOCartVoucher | Encapsulates vouchers as they are stored in the cart. Used by the client to tell the server about new orders. Used by the Web UI to actually store its cart |
CMOContact | |
CMOContactType | |
CMOCountry | |
CMOCoupon | This class represents a coupon |
CMOCouponInfo | This class represents the bare minimum info of a coupon |
CMOCouponRule | |
►CMOCustomerAbstract | |
CMOCustomer | |
►CMOCustomerInfoAbstract | This class encapsulates the most basic information about a customer |
CMOCustomerInfo | |
►CMOEventAbstract | |
CMOEvent | Encapsulation of an event, this class wraps the auto-generated event class to provide some convenience methods |
CMOEventPrice | |
►CMOEventSaleInfoAbstract | This class transports all data necessary to calculate the free seats of an event |
CMOEventSaleInfo | This class represents a seat group |
CMOFlag | Transport class for flags and their descriptions. They are actually stored in the config table |
CMOHost | |
►CMOItemInfo | Used for basic info about items |
CMOItemAudit | |
►CMOKeyValuePairAbstract | |
CMOKeyValuePair | This class represents a key value pair or part of a map/dictionary |
►CMOOrderAbstract | This class represents an order in its entirety, including any items sold in it |
CMOOrder | This class represents a complete order |
CMOOrderAudit | This class represents the audit information about an order |
CMOOrderDocument | This class represents a document stored for a specific order |
CMOOrderDocumentInfo | This class represents a document stored for a specific order without the actual content blob |
►CMOOrderInfoAbstract | This class represents the main information about an order as shown in lists |
CMOOrderInfo | |
CMOPaymentType | This class represents a kind of payment information |
CMOPriceCategory | |
CMORole | |
CMORoom | |
CMOSeatPlan | This class is used to parse seat plans on either side |
CMOSeatPlanBackground | Backgroup objects for seatplan graphics |
►CMOSeatPlanDefPriceAbstract | Default price categories for a seat plan |
CMOSeatPlanDefPrice | This class represents a default price category definition |
►CMOSeatPlanGroupAbstract | This is a helper for parsing seat plans: it defines a group of rows of seats |
CMOSeatPlanGroup | This class represents a seat group |
CMOSeatPlanImage | Image data that can be embedded in seat plan backgrounds |
CMOSeatPlanInfo | This class is the transport for seat plans when communicating over the wire |
CMOSeatPlanRow | This is a helper for parsing seat plans: it defines a row of seats |
►CMOSeatPlanVGroupAbstract | This is a helper for parsing seat plans: it defines a virtual group of categories |
CMOSeatPlanVGroup | This class represents a seat group |
CMOServerFormat | Transport class for server formatting settings. This is used by both UIs to format numbers, dates, money, etc. The XML version of it is stored in the template directory, distributed between main and language dependent directory |
CMOShipping | This class encapsulates shipping types |
CMOTemplate | |
CMOTemplateInfo | |
►CMOTicketAbstract | This class represents the data of a ticket as stored in the database |
►CMOTicket | |
CMOTicketAudit | |
CMOTicketSaleInfo | This class represents only the info from a ticket that is required for calculating seating information |
CMOTicketUse | Objects of this class are sent back as response to UseTicket |
CMOUser | This class represents the main information about users: login name plus description. Passwords are never carried towards the client, more detailed info is contained in other classes |
►CMOVoucherAbstract | |
►CMOVoucher | |
CMOVoucherAudit | |
CMOWebCart | The cart as used by the web user interface, this maps into the cart tables. This class is never used by the remote client |
CMOWebSession | |
►CWTransaction | |
►CMTransaction | |
CMTBackup | This transaction allows to make a complete database backup |
CMTBackupExplore | This transaction is used to get meta data from the database in preparation of a backup |
CMTBackupTable | This transaction is used to get data from the database during a backup |
CMTCancelEvent | Cancel an event |
CMTCancelOrder | |
CMTChangeCoupon | Changes a coupon |
CMTChangeCustomer | Changes customer data (except online data) |
CMTChangeCustomerMail | Changes customer login data |
CMTChangeEvent | Change event data (like date/time, artist, room, ...) |
CMTChangeMyPassword | Changes the password of the user of the current session. This may fail if the old password does not match or the new password is too weak |
CMTChangeOrderAddress | Mildly privileged users: change the delivery and/or invoice address of an order |
CMTChangePassword | Admins: change/reset the password of a specific user. To be used when a user forgot his/her password |
CMTChangePriceCategory | Changes a price category globally |
CMTChangeShipping | Changes a shipping method, eg. its default price. Changing the price has no effect on existing orders, while changing the name is reflected in orders - this is due to the order referencing the shipping method, but copying its price so that it can be changed by privileged users |
CMTChangeTicketPrice | Privileged users: change the price of a ticket. Usually you would change its category |
CMTChangeTicketPriceCategory | Mildly privileged users: change the category of a ticket (eg. from "normal price" to "reduced price"). The new category must exist for the event concerned |
CMTChangeVoucherValidity | Changes the validity date of the voucher |
CMTCreateArtist | Creates a new artist |
CMTCreateContactType | Creates a new contact type (phone, mail, ...) |
CMTCreateCountry | Creates a new country in the database |
CMTCreateCoupon | Creates a new coupon |
CMTCreateCustomer | Creates a new customer |
CMTCreateEvent | Create a new event |
CMTCreateOrder | CreateOrder creates orders that are queued to be executed immediately or sales that are marked executed and paid for immediately; they may contain tickets, vouchers, or shopping items |
CMTCreatePriceCategory | Creates a new price category (generic, not yet event specific) |
CMTCreateReservation | Reservations are orders that are not executed right away. They may only contain tickets that block some seats for a limited time. They cannot contain any shopping items or vouchers |
CMTCreateRole | Creates a new role |
CMTCreateRoom | Creates a new room |
CMTCreateSeatPlan | |
CMTCreateShipping | Creates a new shipping method |
CMTCreateUser | Attempts to create a new user. This may fail if the user already exists |
CMTDeductVoucher | Deducts an amount from a voucher - this can be used for items that are not in the MagicSmoke shop repository |
CMTDeleteCustomer | Deletes a customer - usually by merging info into another customer |
CMTDeleteFlag | Deletes a flag; warning: if the flag is used this may change behavior |
CMTDeleteHost | Deletes a host from which users can log in. If the host has been used, then users will lose the ability to log in from it |
CMTDeleteOrderDocument | Deletes a document associated with an order. Produces an error if the document does not exist |
CMTDeletePaymentType | Deletes a payment type |
CMTDeleteRole | Attempts to delete a role |
CMTDeleteShipping | Attempts to delete a shipping method. This will fail if the method was used in existing orders - use flags to hide such methods from newer orders |
CMTDeleteTemplate | Deletes a template from the server |
CMTDeleteUser | Attempt to delete a user. Usually you will need to merge it with another user to move all orders created by that user over to the merge target. If you do not merge and there are orders by that user, the delete operation will fail |
CMTEmptyVoucher | Empties a voucher, makes it invalid for any further use, but also keeps the price tag |
CMTGetAddress | Returns data of one specific address without the remaining customer info |
CMTGetAllArtists | Returns a list of all existing artists |
CMTGetAllContactTypes | Returns the list of all contact types (phone, mail, ...) with detailed data |
CMTGetAllCountries | Returns a list of all existing countries in the database |
CMTGetAllCustomerNames | Returns basic information (name, title) about all existing customers |
CMTGetAllEvents | Returns data about all existing events |
CMTGetAllHostNames | Returns a list of all (log in/client) host names that are known to the server |
CMTGetAllHosts | Returns detailed info about all known (log in/client) hosts |
CMTGetAllPriceCategories | Returns a list of all existing price categories (not event specific) |
CMTGetAllRightNames | Returns a list of all rights (i.e. transactions and privileges) that currently exist at the server |
CMTGetAllRoles | Returns a list of all existing roles |
CMTGetAllRooms | Returns a list of all existing rooms |
CMTGetAllSeatPlans | Returns a list of all existing seat plans |
CMTGetAllShipping | Returns a list of all shipping methods that the user has access to. This transaction is sensitive to flags, like "anyshipping" |
CMTGetAllUsers | Returns a list of all existing users |
CMTGetCoupon | Retrieves details about a single coupon |
CMTGetCouponList | Retrieves all Coupon IDs |
CMTGetCreateCustomerHints | Returns all info that helps in creating customers, like common titles, cities, countries, etc |
CMTGetCustomer | Returns detailed info about a customer (excluding password) |
CMTGetEntranceEvents | This is a convenience transaction: it returns all events that are likely to be chosen at an entrance barcode scanner; this includes all events starting at max. within the next 24 hours that and that have not ended yet |
CMTGetEvent | Returns detailed event data |
CMTGetEventList | Returns a list of specific events (eg. used by the order window to request exactly those needed by the tickets it shows) |
CMTGetEventSaleInfo | Returns the information necessary to handle sales with seat plans |
CMTGetEventSummary | Returns the event plus all orders concerning it |
CMTGetLanguage | This transaction returns basic language and formatting settings from the server - it must be used before the client displays any times or monetary values, even if it does not indend to translate any strings. If the transaction fails on the first attempt (eg. because the language could not be found), the client MUST repeat the request with "C" as language to retrieve formatting rules - "C" as language MUST succeed on the server, regardless of any other settings |
CMTGetMyOrders | Returns all orders created by the current user |
CMTGetMyRights | Returns the rights and flags of the user of the current session |
CMTGetMyRoles | Returns the roles of the user of the current session |
CMTGetOrder | Get details for an order by its ID |
CMTGetOrderAudit | Returns all audit data for an order (when it was created, who handled it, when it was paid and how, .. |
CMTGetOrderByBarcode | Retrieves the order in which a specific ticket or voucher was bought |
CMTGetOrderDocument | Gets a document associated with an order |
CMTGetOrderDocumentNames | Gets the names of all files associated with the Order |
CMTGetOrderList | Get a complete list of orders starting at the time "oldest" |
CMTGetOrdersByCoupon | |
CMTGetOrdersByCustomer | Returns all orders that were purchased by a specific customer |
CMTGetOrdersByEvents | Returns all orders that match a specific list of events |
CMTGetOrdersByUser | Returns all orders created by the a specified user |
CMTGetPaymentTypes | Returns the valid payment types |
CMTGetPrintAtHomeSettings | Gets all settings pertaining to Print |
CMTGetRole | Returns a specific role by name |
CMTGetTemplate | Returns a specific template |
CMTGetTemplateList | Returns the list of templates that this user can access. This transaction is sensitive to flags |
CMTGetTicket | Returns a specific ticket with detailed info |
CMTGetTicketAudit | Returns all audit data for a ticket (when it was bought, changed prices, when it was used) |
CMTGetUser | Returns one specific user by name |
CMTGetUserAudit | Returns all order related data the user has touched |
CMTGetUserHosts | Returns all hosts a user may log in from |
CMTGetUserRoles | Returns all roles assigned to a specific user |
CMTGetValidFlags | Returns all flags that are defined in the database |
CMTGetValidVoucherPrices | Returns a list of voucher values/prices that the system will accept for normal users (which do not have special privileges) |
CMTGetVoucher | Returns a specific voucher with detailed info |
CMTGetVoucherAudit | Returns all audit data for a voucher (when it was bought, when it was used and for what) |
CMTLogin | Attempt to log into the server. Both the user and the host the user is using are verified. The login will fail if the authentication of either of them fails or the user does not have the righ to login from this host |
CMTLogout | Deletes the current session |
CMTOrderAddComment | Add a comment to the end of the comments field. Most users will only have this right |
CMTOrderChangeComments | For privileged users: edit the complete comments field, overwrite it |
CMTOrderChangeShipping | Changes the shipping option and/or price of an order |
CMTOrderMarkShipped | |
CMTOrderPay | Pay for an order with money/credit card/...; see UseVoucher for using a voucher to pay |
CMTOrderRefund | Returns money if too much has been paid (e.g. after an event has been cancelled) |
CMTReservationToOrder | This transaction turns a reservation into a regular order |
CMTResetCustomerPassword | Sends a reset password mail to the customer - if the customer has a login |
CMTRestoreBackup | This transaction is used to restore backup data into the database |
CMTReturnTicketVoucher | Privileged users: return a ticket or voucher and deduct its price from the order it was in. This may fail if the ticket or voucher has already been used |
CMTSendCustomerMail | Sends an eMail to a customer. Usually to update the customer about Order data |
CMTServerInfo | Returns basic info about the server - this is part of the protocol handshake |
CMTSetDefaultPaymentType | Sets the payment type that is used per default |
CMTSetFlag | Changes/creates a flag; warning: if the flag is used this may change behavior |
CMTSetHost | Creates/Changes a host from which users can log in. If the host is already used and you change the key here, you also have to change the key at the client host or no one will be able to log in from it |
CMTSetOrderDocument | Stores a document associated with an order. Overwrites the document if it already exists, creates it otherwise |
CMTSetPaymentType | Creates/changes a payment type |
CMTSetPrintAtHomeSettings | Overrides settings for Print, use isnull=true to delete entries |
CMTSetRoleDescription | Changes the description of a role |
CMTSetRoleFlags | Changes the flags assigned to a role. This changes the data that users with this role can see |
CMTSetRoleRights | Changes the rights assigned to a role |
CMTSetTemplate | Overwrites or creates a specific template |
CMTSetTemplateDescription | Changes the description of a template |
CMTSetTemplateFlags | Changes the flags of the template |
CMTSetUserDescription | Changes the description of a user |
CMTSetUserFlags | Changes the flags of a user. Flags determine what data (events, templates, etc.) a user can use |
CMTSetUserHosts | Changes the hosts a user may log in from |
CMTSetUserRoles | Changes the roles assigned to a specific user |
CMTUpdateSeatPlan | |
CMTUseTicket | Attempts to mark a ticket as used. Fails if the ticket has already been used or is not paid for |
CMTUseVoucher | Use a voucher to pay for an order |
CMTWebCartAddCoupon | Called from Web UI only: adds a coupon to the cart |
CMTWebCartAddTicket | Called from the Web UI only: adds tickets to a specific event |
CMTWebCartAddVoucher | Called from the Web UI only: adds vouchers |
CMTWebCartRemoveTicket | Called from the Web UI only: removes tickets for a specific event from the cart |
CMTWebCartRemoveVoucher | Called from the Web UI only: removes vouchers |
►CWTransaction_PrivateBase | |
CMTBackup_Private | |
CMTBackupExplore_Private | |
CMTBackupTable_Private | |
CMTCancelEvent_Private | |
CMTCancelOrder_Private | |
CMTChangeCoupon_Private | |
CMTChangeCustomer_Private | |
CMTChangeCustomerMail_Private | |
CMTChangeEvent_Private | |
CMTChangeMyPassword_Private | |
CMTChangeOrderAddress_Private | |
CMTChangePassword_Private | |
CMTChangePriceCategory_Private | |
CMTChangeShipping_Private | |
CMTChangeTicketPrice_Private | |
CMTChangeTicketPriceCategory_Private | |
CMTChangeVoucherValidity_Private | |
CMTCreateArtist_Private | |
CMTCreateContactType_Private | |
CMTCreateCountry_Private | |
CMTCreateCoupon_Private | |
CMTCreateCustomer_Private | |
CMTCreateEvent_Private | |
CMTCreateOrder_Private | |
CMTCreatePriceCategory_Private | |
CMTCreateReservation_Private | |
CMTCreateRole_Private | |
CMTCreateRoom_Private | |
CMTCreateSeatPlan_Private | |
CMTCreateShipping_Private | |
CMTCreateUser_Private | |
CMTDeductVoucher_Private | |
CMTDeleteCustomer_Private | |
CMTDeleteFlag_Private | |
CMTDeleteHost_Private | |
CMTDeleteOrderDocument_Private | |
CMTDeletePaymentType_Private | |
CMTDeleteRole_Private | |
CMTDeleteShipping_Private | |
CMTDeleteTemplate_Private | |
CMTDeleteUser_Private | |
CMTEmptyVoucher_Private | |
CMTGetAddress_Private | |
CMTGetAllArtists_Private | |
CMTGetAllContactTypes_Private | |
CMTGetAllCountries_Private | |
CMTGetAllCustomerNames_Private | |
CMTGetAllEvents_Private | |
CMTGetAllHostNames_Private | |
CMTGetAllHosts_Private | |
CMTGetAllPriceCategories_Private | |
CMTGetAllRightNames_Private | |
CMTGetAllRoles_Private | |
CMTGetAllRooms_Private | |
CMTGetAllSeatPlans_Private | |
CMTGetAllShipping_Private | |
CMTGetAllUsers_Private | |
CMTGetCoupon_Private | |
CMTGetCouponList_Private | |
CMTGetCreateCustomerHints_Private | |
CMTGetCustomer_Private | |
CMTGetEntranceEvents_Private | |
CMTGetEvent_Private | |
CMTGetEventList_Private | |
CMTGetEventSaleInfo_Private | |
CMTGetEventSummary_Private | |
CMTGetLanguage_Private | |
CMTGetMyOrders_Private | |
CMTGetMyRights_Private | |
CMTGetMyRoles_Private | |
CMTGetOrder_Private | |
CMTGetOrderAudit_Private | |
CMTGetOrderByBarcode_Private | |
CMTGetOrderDocument_Private | |
CMTGetOrderDocumentNames_Private | |
CMTGetOrderList_Private | |
CMTGetOrdersByCoupon_Private | |
CMTGetOrdersByCustomer_Private | |
CMTGetOrdersByEvents_Private | |
CMTGetOrdersByUser_Private | |
CMTGetPaymentTypes_Private | |
CMTGetPrintAtHomeSettings_Private | |
CMTGetRole_Private | |
CMTGetTemplate_Private | |
CMTGetTemplateList_Private | |
CMTGetTicket_Private | |
CMTGetTicketAudit_Private | |
CMTGetUser_Private | |
CMTGetUserAudit_Private | |
CMTGetUserHosts_Private | |
CMTGetUserRoles_Private | |
CMTGetValidFlags_Private | |
CMTGetValidVoucherPrices_Private | |
CMTGetVoucher_Private | |
CMTGetVoucherAudit_Private | |
CMTLogin_Private | |
CMTLogout_Private | |
CMTOrderAddComment_Private | |
CMTOrderChangeComments_Private | |
CMTOrderChangeShipping_Private | |
CMTOrderMarkShipped_Private | |
CMTOrderPay_Private | |
CMTOrderRefund_Private | |
CMTReservationToOrder_Private | |
CMTResetCustomerPassword_Private | |
CMTRestoreBackup_Private | |
CMTReturnTicketVoucher_Private | |
CMTSendCustomerMail_Private | |
CMTServerInfo_Private | |
CMTSetDefaultPaymentType_Private | |
CMTSetFlag_Private | |
CMTSetHost_Private | |
CMTSetOrderDocument_Private | |
CMTSetPaymentType_Private | |
CMTSetPrintAtHomeSettings_Private | |
CMTSetRoleDescription_Private | |
CMTSetRoleFlags_Private | |
CMTSetRoleRights_Private | |
CMTSetTemplate_Private | |
CMTSetTemplateDescription_Private | |
CMTSetTemplateFlags_Private | |
CMTSetUserDescription_Private | |
CMTSetUserFlags_Private | |
CMTSetUserHosts_Private | |
CMTSetUserRoles_Private | |
CMTUpdateSeatPlan_Private | |
CMTUseTicket_Private | |
CMTUseVoucher_Private | |
CMTWebCartAddCoupon_Private | |
CMTWebCartAddTicket_Private | |
CMTWebCartAddVoucher_Private | |
CMTWebCartRemoveTicket_Private | |
CMTWebCartRemoveVoucher_Private | |