MagicSmoke  $VERSION$
MInterface Class Reference

MagicSmoke interface class. More...

#include <srcMInterface.h>

Inheritance diagram for MInterface:

Public Types

enum  Right {
  NoRight, RGetLanguage, RGetValidFlags, RSetFlag,
  RDeleteFlag, RBackup, RBackupExplore, RBackupTable,
  RRestoreBackup, RServerInfo, RLogin, RLogout,
  RGetMyRoles, RGetMyRights, RChangeMyPassword, RGetAllUsers,
  RGetUser, RCreateUser, RChangePassword, RDeleteUser,
  RSetUserDescription, RGetUserRoles, RSetUserRoles, RGetUserHosts,
  RSetUserHosts, RSetUserFlags, RGetAllRoles, RGetRole,
  RCreateRole, RSetRoleDescription, RSetRoleRights, RDeleteRole,
  RSetRoleFlags, RGetAllRightNames, RGetAllHostNames, RGetAllHosts,
  RSetHost, RDeleteHost, RGetAllContactTypes, RCreateContactType,
  RGetCustomer, RGetAllCustomerNames, RCreateCustomer, RChangeCustomer,
  RChangeCustomerMail, RDeleteCustomer, RGetAddress, RGetAllCountries,
  RCreateCountry, RResetCustomerPassword, RGetCreateCustomerHints, RGetAllArtists,
  RCreateArtist, RGetAllPriceCategories, RCreatePriceCategory, RChangePriceCategory,
  RGetEvent, RGetAllEvents, RGetEventList, RGetEventSaleInfo,
  RCreateEvent, RChangeEvent, RCancelEvent, RGetAllRooms,
  RCreateRoom, RGetAllSeatPlans, RCreateSeatPlan, RUpdateSeatPlan,
  RGetEventSummary, RGetTicket, RGetVoucher, RGetOrder,
  RGetOrderList, RGetOrdersByEvents, RGetOrdersByCustomer, RGetMyOrders,
  RGetOrdersByUser, RGetOrderByBarcode, RGetOrdersByCoupon, RCreateOrder,
  RCreateReservation, RReservationToOrder, RCancelOrder, ROrderPay,
  ROrderRefund, RUseVoucher, RDeductVoucher, REmptyVoucher,
  RChangeVoucherValidity, ROrderChangeShipping, ROrderMarkShipped, ROrderAddComment,
  ROrderChangeComments, RReturnTicketVoucher, RChangeTicketPrice, RChangeTicketPriceCategory,
  RChangeOrderAddress, RGetAllShipping, RChangeShipping, RCreateShipping,
  RDeleteShipping, RGetValidVoucherPrices, RUseTicket, RGetEntranceEvents,
  RGetPaymentTypes, RSetPaymentType, RSetDefaultPaymentType, RDeletePaymentType,
  RGetOrderDocumentNames, RGetOrderDocument, RSetOrderDocument, RDeleteOrderDocument,
  RSendCustomerMail, RGetPrintAtHomeSettings, RSetPrintAtHomeSettings, RGetCoupon,
  RGetCouponList, RCreateCoupon, RChangeCoupon, RGetTicketAudit,
  RGetVoucherAudit, RGetOrderAudit, RGetUserAudit, RWebCartAddTicket,
  RWebCartRemoveTicket, RWebCartAddVoucher, RWebCartRemoveVoucher, RWebCartAddCoupon,
  RGetTemplateList, RGetTemplate, RSetTemplate, RSetTemplateDescription,
  RDeleteTemplate, RSetTemplateFlags, PChangeEvent_CancelEvent, PCreateOrder_AnyVoucherValue,
  PCreateOrder_DiffVoucherValuePrice, PCreateOrder_LateSale, PCreateOrder_AfterTheFactSale, PCreateOrder_CanOrder,
  PCreateOrder_CanSell, PCreateOrder_CanOrderTicket, PCreateOrder_CanOrderVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanOrderItem,
  PCreateOrder_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, PCreateReservation_LateReserve, PCancelOrder_CancelSentOrder, PCancelOrder_CancelPastTickets,
  PUseVoucher_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, POrderChangeShipping_ChangePrice, POrderMarkShipped_SetTime, PReturnTicketVoucher_ReturnPastTicket,
  PChangeTicketPrice_ChangeUsedTicket, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangeUsedTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangePastTicket
 This enum represents transactions and the right to use them. More...
typedef QList< RightRightList

Public Member Functions

 MInterface (QString name="MagicSmoke")
MTBackup queryBackup ()
 convenience call to query MTBackup synchronously More...
MTBackupExplore queryBackupExplore ()
 convenience call to query MTBackupExplore synchronously More...
MTBackupTable queryBackupTable (const QString &atable, const qint64 &aminkey, const qint64 &amaxkey, const QList< QString > &akeylist)
 convenience call to query MTBackupTable synchronously More...
MTCancelEvent queryCancelEvent (const qint64 &aeventid, const QString &areason)
 convenience call to query MTCancelEvent synchronously More...
MTCancelOrder queryCancelOrder (const qint64 &aorderid)
 convenience call to query MTCancelOrder synchronously More...
MTChangeCoupon queryChangeCoupon (const MOCoupon &acoupon)
 convenience call to query MTChangeCoupon synchronously More...
MTChangeCustomer queryChangeCustomer (const MOCustomer &acustomer)
 convenience call to query MTChangeCustomer synchronously More...
MTChangeCustomerMail queryChangeCustomerMail (const qint64 &acustomerid, const QString &aemail)
 convenience call to query MTChangeCustomerMail synchronously More...
MTChangeEvent queryChangeEvent (const MOEvent &aevent)
 convenience call to query MTChangeEvent synchronously More...
MTChangeMyPassword queryChangeMyPassword (const QString &aoldpassword, const QString &anewpassword)
 convenience call to query MTChangeMyPassword synchronously More...
MTChangeOrderAddress queryChangeOrderAddress (const qint64 &aorderid, const bool &asetinvoiceaddr, const qint64 &ainvoiceaddr, const bool &asetdeliveryaddr, const qint64 &adeliveryaddr)
 convenience call to query MTChangeOrderAddress synchronously More...
MTChangePassword queryChangePassword (const QString &ausername, const QString &apassword)
 convenience call to query MTChangePassword synchronously More...
MTChangePriceCategory queryChangePriceCategory (const MOPriceCategory &apricecategory)
 convenience call to query MTChangePriceCategory synchronously More...
MTChangeShipping queryChangeShipping (const MOShipping &ashipping)
 convenience call to query MTChangeShipping synchronously More...
MTChangeTicketPrice queryChangeTicketPrice (const QString &abarcode, const qint64 &aprice)
 convenience call to query MTChangeTicketPrice synchronously More...
MTChangeTicketPriceCategory queryChangeTicketPriceCategory (const QString &abarcode, const qint64 &apricecategoryid)
 convenience call to query MTChangeTicketPriceCategory synchronously More...
MTChangeVoucherValidity queryChangeVoucherValidity (const QString &avoucherid, const bool &avalidforever, const qint64 &avalidtime, const QString &acomment)
 convenience call to query MTChangeVoucherValidity synchronously More...
MTCreateArtist queryCreateArtist (const QString &aname, const QString &adescription, const QString &acomment)
 convenience call to query MTCreateArtist synchronously More...
MTCreateContactType queryCreateContactType (const QString &atypename, const QString &auriprefix)
 convenience call to query MTCreateContactType synchronously More...
MTCreateCountry queryCreateCountry (const QString &aabbrev, const QString &aname)
 convenience call to query MTCreateCountry synchronously More...
MTCreateCoupon queryCreateCoupon (const MOCoupon &acoupon)
 convenience call to query MTCreateCoupon synchronously More...
MTCreateCustomer queryCreateCustomer (const MOCustomer &acustomer)
 convenience call to query MTCreateCustomer synchronously More...
MTCreateEvent queryCreateEvent (const MOEvent &aevent)
 convenience call to query MTCreateEvent synchronously More...
MTCreateOrder queryCreateOrder (const MOCartOrder &acart, const bool &aissale, const QList< QString > &avouchers)
 convenience call to query MTCreateOrder synchronously More...
MTCreatePriceCategory queryCreatePriceCategory (const MOPriceCategory &apricecategory)
 convenience call to query MTCreatePriceCategory synchronously More...
MTCreateReservation queryCreateReservation (const MOCartOrder &acart)
 convenience call to query MTCreateReservation synchronously More...
MTCreateRole queryCreateRole (const QString &arole)
 convenience call to query MTCreateRole synchronously More...
MTCreateRoom queryCreateRoom (const QString &aroomid, const qint64 &acapacity, const QString &adescription)
 convenience call to query MTCreateRoom synchronously More...
MTCreateSeatPlan queryCreateSeatPlan (const MOSeatPlanInfo &aplan)
 convenience call to query MTCreateSeatPlan synchronously More...
MTCreateShipping queryCreateShipping (const MOShipping &ashipping)
 convenience call to query MTCreateShipping synchronously More...
MTCreateUser queryCreateUser (const QString &ausername, const QString &apassword, const QString &adescription)
 convenience call to query MTCreateUser synchronously More...
MTDeductVoucher queryDeductVoucher (const QString &avoucherid, const qint64 &aamount, const QString &acomment)
 convenience call to query MTDeductVoucher synchronously More...
MTDeleteCustomer queryDeleteCustomer (const qint64 &acustomerid, const qint64 &amergewithid)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteCustomer synchronously More...
MTDeleteFlag queryDeleteFlag (const QString &aflag)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteFlag synchronously More...
MTDeleteHost queryDeleteHost (const QString &aname)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteHost synchronously More...
MTDeleteOrderDocument queryDeleteOrderDocument (const qint64 &aorderid, const QString &afilename)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteOrderDocument synchronously More...
MTDeletePaymentType queryDeletePaymentType (const QString &apaytype)
 convenience call to query MTDeletePaymentType synchronously More...
MTDeleteRole queryDeleteRole (const QString &arole)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteRole synchronously More...
MTDeleteShipping queryDeleteShipping (const qint64 &ashipid)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteShipping synchronously More...
MTDeleteTemplate queryDeleteTemplate (const QString &afilename)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteTemplate synchronously More...
MTDeleteUser queryDeleteUser (const QString &ausername, const QString &amergewithuser)
 convenience call to query MTDeleteUser synchronously More...
MTEmptyVoucher queryEmptyVoucher (const QString &avoucherid, const QString &acomment)
 convenience call to query MTEmptyVoucher synchronously More...
MTGetAddress queryGetAddress (const qint64 &aaddressid)
 convenience call to query MTGetAddress synchronously More...
MTGetAllArtists queryGetAllArtists ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllArtists synchronously More...
MTGetAllContactTypes queryGetAllContactTypes ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllContactTypes synchronously More...
MTGetAllCountries queryGetAllCountries ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllCountries synchronously More...
MTGetAllCustomerNames queryGetAllCustomerNames ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllCustomerNames synchronously More...
MTGetAllEvents queryGetAllEvents ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllEvents synchronously More...
MTGetAllHostNames queryGetAllHostNames ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllHostNames synchronously More...
MTGetAllHosts queryGetAllHosts ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllHosts synchronously More...
MTGetAllPriceCategories queryGetAllPriceCategories ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllPriceCategories synchronously More...
MTGetAllRightNames queryGetAllRightNames ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllRightNames synchronously More...
MTGetAllRoles queryGetAllRoles ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllRoles synchronously More...
MTGetAllRooms queryGetAllRooms ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllRooms synchronously More...
MTGetAllSeatPlans queryGetAllSeatPlans ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllSeatPlans synchronously More...
MTGetAllShipping queryGetAllShipping ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllShipping synchronously More...
MTGetAllUsers queryGetAllUsers ()
 convenience call to query MTGetAllUsers synchronously More...
MTGetCoupon queryGetCoupon (const QString &acouponid)
 convenience call to query MTGetCoupon synchronously More...
MTGetCouponList queryGetCouponList (const QString &acouponid)
 convenience call to query MTGetCouponList synchronously More...
MTGetCreateCustomerHints queryGetCreateCustomerHints ()
 convenience call to query MTGetCreateCustomerHints synchronously More...
MTGetCustomer queryGetCustomer (const qint64 &acustomerid)
 convenience call to query MTGetCustomer synchronously More...
MTGetEntranceEvents queryGetEntranceEvents (const qint64 &amaxbeforestart, const qint64 &amaxafterend)
 convenience call to query MTGetEntranceEvents synchronously More...
MTGetEvent queryGetEvent (const qint64 &aeventid)
 convenience call to query MTGetEvent synchronously More...
MTGetEventList queryGetEventList (const QList< qint64 > &aeventids)
 convenience call to query MTGetEventList synchronously More...
MTGetEventSaleInfo queryGetEventSaleInfo (const qint64 &aeventid)
 convenience call to query MTGetEventSaleInfo synchronously More...
MTGetEventSummary queryGetEventSummary (const qint64 &aeventid)
 convenience call to query MTGetEventSummary synchronously More...
MTGetLanguage queryGetLanguage (const QString &alanguage, const QString &aformat)
 convenience call to query MTGetLanguage synchronously More...
MTGetMyOrders queryGetMyOrders (const qint64 &aoldest, const bool &aincludeall)
 convenience call to query MTGetMyOrders synchronously More...
MTGetMyRights queryGetMyRights ()
 convenience call to query MTGetMyRights synchronously More...
MTGetMyRoles queryGetMyRoles ()
 convenience call to query MTGetMyRoles synchronously More...
MTGetOrder queryGetOrder (const qint64 &aorderid)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrder synchronously More...
MTGetOrderAudit queryGetOrderAudit (const qint64 &aorderid)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrderAudit synchronously More...
MTGetOrderByBarcode queryGetOrderByBarcode (const QString &abarcode)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrderByBarcode synchronously More...
MTGetOrderDocument queryGetOrderDocument (const qint64 &aorderid, const QString &afilename)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrderDocument synchronously More...
MTGetOrderDocumentNames queryGetOrderDocumentNames (const qint64 &aorderid)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrderDocumentNames synchronously More...
MTGetOrderList queryGetOrderList (const qint64 &aoldest)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrderList synchronously More...
MTGetOrdersByCoupon queryGetOrdersByCoupon (const qint64 &aoldest, const QString &acouponid)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByCoupon synchronously More...
MTGetOrdersByCustomer queryGetOrdersByCustomer (const qint64 &acustomerid, const qint64 &aoldest)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByCustomer synchronously More...
MTGetOrdersByEvents queryGetOrdersByEvents (const QList< qint64 > &aevents, const qint64 &aoldest)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByEvents synchronously More...
MTGetOrdersByUser queryGetOrdersByUser (const qint64 &aoldest, const bool &aincludeall, const QString &ausername)
 convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByUser synchronously More...
MTGetPaymentTypes queryGetPaymentTypes ()
 convenience call to query MTGetPaymentTypes synchronously More...
MTGetPrintAtHomeSettings queryGetPrintAtHomeSettings ()
 convenience call to query MTGetPrintAtHomeSettings synchronously More...
MTGetRole queryGetRole (const QString &arole)
 convenience call to query MTGetRole synchronously More...
MTGetTemplate queryGetTemplate (const QString &afilename)
 convenience call to query MTGetTemplate synchronously More...
MTGetTemplateList queryGetTemplateList ()
 convenience call to query MTGetTemplateList synchronously More...
MTGetTicket queryGetTicket (const QString &aticketid)
 convenience call to query MTGetTicket synchronously More...
MTGetTicketAudit queryGetTicketAudit (const QString &aticketid)
 convenience call to query MTGetTicketAudit synchronously More...
MTGetUser queryGetUser (const QString &auname)
 convenience call to query MTGetUser synchronously More...
MTGetUserAudit queryGetUserAudit (const QString &auname, const qint64 &aoldest)
 convenience call to query MTGetUserAudit synchronously More...
MTGetUserHosts queryGetUserHosts (const QString &ausername)
 convenience call to query MTGetUserHosts synchronously More...
MTGetUserRoles queryGetUserRoles (const QString &ausername)
 convenience call to query MTGetUserRoles synchronously More...
MTGetValidFlags queryGetValidFlags ()
 convenience call to query MTGetValidFlags synchronously More...
MTGetValidVoucherPrices queryGetValidVoucherPrices ()
 convenience call to query MTGetValidVoucherPrices synchronously More...
MTGetVoucher queryGetVoucher (const QString &avoucherid)
 convenience call to query MTGetVoucher synchronously More...
MTGetVoucherAudit queryGetVoucherAudit (const QString &avoucherid)
 convenience call to query MTGetVoucherAudit synchronously More...
MTLogin queryLogin (const QString &ausername, const QString &apassword, const QString &ahostname, const QString &ahostkey)
 convenience call to query MTLogin synchronously More...
MTLogout queryLogout ()
 convenience call to query MTLogout synchronously More...
MTOrderAddComment queryOrderAddComment (const qint64 &aorderid, const QString &acomment)
 convenience call to query MTOrderAddComment synchronously More...
MTOrderChangeComments queryOrderChangeComments (const qint64 &aorderid, const QString &acomments)
 convenience call to query MTOrderChangeComments synchronously More...
MTOrderChangeShipping queryOrderChangeShipping (const qint64 &aorderid, const qint64 &ashippingid, const qint64 &ashippingcosts)
 convenience call to query MTOrderChangeShipping synchronously More...
MTOrderMarkShipped queryOrderMarkShipped (const qint64 &aorderid, const qint64 &ashiptime)
 convenience call to query MTOrderMarkShipped synchronously More...
MTOrderPay queryOrderPay (const qint64 &aorderid, const qint64 &aamount, const QString &apaytype, const QString &apaydata)
 convenience call to query MTOrderPay synchronously More...
MTOrderRefund queryOrderRefund (const qint64 &aorderid, const qint64 &aamount)
 convenience call to query MTOrderRefund synchronously More...
MTReservationToOrder queryReservationToOrder (const qint64 &aorderid)
 convenience call to query MTReservationToOrder synchronously More...
MTResetCustomerPassword queryResetCustomerPassword (const qint64 &acustomerid)
 convenience call to query MTResetCustomerPassword synchronously More...
MTRestoreBackup queryRestoreBackup (const QString &abackup, const bool &aupdate)
 convenience call to query MTRestoreBackup synchronously More...
MTReturnTicketVoucher queryReturnTicketVoucher (const QString &abarcode)
 convenience call to query MTReturnTicketVoucher synchronously More...
MTSendCustomerMail querySendCustomerMail (const qint64 &acustomerid, const QString &acontent)
 convenience call to query MTSendCustomerMail synchronously More...
MTServerInfo queryServerInfo ()
 convenience call to query MTServerInfo synchronously More...
MTSetDefaultPaymentType querySetDefaultPaymentType (const QString &adefaultpaytype)
 convenience call to query MTSetDefaultPaymentType synchronously More...
MTSetFlag querySetFlag (const MOFlag &aflag)
 convenience call to query MTSetFlag synchronously More...
MTSetHost querySetHost (const QString &aname, const QString &akey)
 convenience call to query MTSetHost synchronously More...
MTSetOrderDocument querySetOrderDocument (const MOOrderDocument &adocument)
 convenience call to query MTSetOrderDocument synchronously More...
MTSetPaymentType querySetPaymentType (const MOPaymentType &apaytype)
 convenience call to query MTSetPaymentType synchronously More...
MTSetPrintAtHomeSettings querySetPrintAtHomeSettings (const QList< MOKeyValuePair > &asettings)
 convenience call to query MTSetPrintAtHomeSettings synchronously More...
MTSetRoleDescription querySetRoleDescription (const QString &arole, const QString &adescription)
 convenience call to query MTSetRoleDescription synchronously More...
MTSetRoleFlags querySetRoleFlags (const QString &arole, const QList< QString > &aflags)
 convenience call to query MTSetRoleFlags synchronously More...
MTSetRoleRights querySetRoleRights (const QString &arole, const QList< QString > &arights)
 convenience call to query MTSetRoleRights synchronously More...
MTSetTemplate querySetTemplate (const QString &afilename, const QByteArray &atemplatedata, const QString &adescription)
 convenience call to query MTSetTemplate synchronously More...
MTSetTemplateDescription querySetTemplateDescription (const QString &afilename, const QString &adescription)
 convenience call to query MTSetTemplateDescription synchronously More...
MTSetTemplateFlags querySetTemplateFlags (const QString &afilename, const QString &aflags)
 convenience call to query MTSetTemplateFlags synchronously More...
MTSetUserDescription querySetUserDescription (const QString &ausername, const QString &adescription)
 convenience call to query MTSetUserDescription synchronously More...
MTSetUserFlags querySetUserFlags (const QString &ausername, const QList< QString > &aflags)
 convenience call to query MTSetUserFlags synchronously More...
MTSetUserHosts querySetUserHosts (const QString &ausername, const QList< QString > &ahosts)
 convenience call to query MTSetUserHosts synchronously More...
MTSetUserRoles querySetUserRoles (const QString &ausername, const QList< QString > &aroles)
 convenience call to query MTSetUserRoles synchronously More...
MTUpdateSeatPlan queryUpdateSeatPlan (const MOSeatPlanInfo &aplan)
 convenience call to query MTUpdateSeatPlan synchronously More...
MTUseTicket queryUseTicket (const QString &aticketid, const qint64 &aeventid)
 convenience call to query MTUseTicket synchronously More...
MTUseVoucher queryUseVoucher (const qint64 &aorderid, const QString &avoucherid)
 convenience call to query MTUseVoucher synchronously More...
MTWebCartAddCoupon queryWebCartAddCoupon (const QString &acartid, const QString &acouponid)
 convenience call to query MTWebCartAddCoupon synchronously More...
MTWebCartAddTicket queryWebCartAddTicket (const QString &acartid, const qint64 &aeventid, const qint64 &apricecategoryid, const qint64 &aamount)
 convenience call to query MTWebCartAddTicket synchronously More...
MTWebCartAddVoucher queryWebCartAddVoucher (const QString &acartid, const qint64 &aprice)
 convenience call to query MTWebCartAddVoucher synchronously More...
MTWebCartRemoveTicket queryWebCartRemoveTicket (const QString &acartid, const qint64 &aeventid, const qint64 &apricecategoryid)
 convenience call to query MTWebCartRemoveTicket synchronously More...
MTWebCartRemoveVoucher queryWebCartRemoveVoucher (const QString &acartid, const qint64 &alineid)
 convenience call to query MTWebCartRemoveVoucher synchronously More...
Q_INVOKABLE QString versionInfo (WOb::VersionInfo) const
 returns version information of this interface More...
Q_INVOKABLE QString wocVersionInfo (WOb::VersionInfo) const
 returns version information about the WOC that created the interface class More...

Static Public Member Functions

allKnownRights ()
 returns a list of all known rights/transactions More...
static Q_INVOKABLE QStringList allKnownRightsString ()
 converts a localized string to a matching right enum, returns NoRight if the string does not match More...
static MInterfaceinstance (QString name="MagicSmoke")
 convenience override: returns a pointer to an instance with the given name if it is of the correct type, otherwise nullptr More...
static Q_INVOKABLE QString rightToLocalString (Right)
 converts a right enum to its localized string representation More...
static Q_INVOKABLE QString rightToString (Right)
 converts a right enum to its string representation More...
static Q_INVOKABLE QString staticVersionInfo (WOb::VersionInfo)
 returns version information of this interface More...
static Q_INVOKABLE QString staticWocVersionInfo (WOb::VersionInfo)
 returns version information about the WOC that created the interface class More...
static Q_INVOKABLE Right stringToRight (QString)
 converts a string to a matching right enum, returns NoRight if the string does not match More...

Detailed Description

MagicSmoke interface class.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef QList<Right> MInterface::RightList

Member Enumeration Documentation

This enum represents transactions and the right to use them.


dummy as a fall back for no transaction


This transaction returns basic language and formatting settings from the server - it must be used before the client displays any times or monetary values, even if it does not indend to translate any strings. If the transaction fails on the first attempt (eg. because the language could not be found), the client MUST repeat the request with "C" as language to retrieve formatting rules - "C" as language MUST succeed on the server, regardless of any other settings.


returns all flags that are defined in the database


changes/creates a flag; warning: if the flag is used this may change behavior


deletes a flag; warning: if the flag is used this may change behavior


This transaction allows to make a complete database backup.

The backup file is replayed into the database via the admin.php interface. This is the old-style backup interface, it is obsolete as of 2016.


This transaction is used to get meta data from the database in preparation of a backup.


This transaction is used to get data from the database during a backup.


This transaction is used to restore backup data into the database.


returns basic info about the server - this is part of the protocol handshake


Attempt to log into the server. Both the user and the host the user is using are verified. The login will fail if the authentication of either of them fails or the user does not have the righ to login from this host.


Deletes the current session.


Returns the roles of the user of the current session.


Returns the rights and flags of the user of the current session.


Changes the password of the user of the current session. This may fail if the old password does not match or the new password is too weak.


Returns a list of all existing users.


Returns one specific user by name.


Attempts to create a new user. This may fail if the user already exists.


Admins: change/reset the password of a specific user. To be used when a user forgot his/her password.


Attempt to delete a user. Usually you will need to merge it with another user to move all orders created by that user over to the merge target. If you do not merge and there are orders by that user, the delete operation will fail.


Changes the description of a user.


Returns all roles assigned to a specific user.


Changes the roles assigned to a specific user.


Returns all hosts a user may log in from.


Changes the hosts a user may log in from.


Changes the flags of a user. Flags determine what data (events, templates, etc.) a user can use.


Returns a list of all existing roles.


Returns a specific role by name.


Creates a new role.


Changes the description of a role.


Changes the rights assigned to a role.


Attempts to delete a role.


Changes the flags assigned to a role. This changes the data that users with this role can see.


Returns a list of all rights (i.e. transactions and privileges) that currently exist at the server.


returns a list of all (log in/client) host names that are known to the server


returns detailed info about all known (log in/client) hosts


Creates/Changes a host from which users can log in. If the host is already used and you change the key here, you also have to change the key at the client host or no one will be able to log in from it.


Deletes a host from which users can log in. If the host has been used, then users will lose the ability to log in from it.


returns the list of all contact types (phone, mail, ...) with detailed data


creates a new contact type (phone, mail, ...)


returns detailed info about a customer (excluding password)


returns basic information (name, title) about all existing customers


creates a new customer


changes customer data (except online data)


changes customer login data


deletes a customer - usually by merging info into another customer


returns data of one specific address without the remaining customer info


returns a list of all existing countries in the database


creates a new country in the database


sends a reset password mail to the customer - if the customer has a login


Returns all info that helps in creating customers, like common titles, cities, countries, etc.


returns a list of all existing artists


creates a new artist


returns a list of all existing price categories (not event specific)


creates a new price category (generic, not yet event specific)


changes a price category globally


returns detailed event data


returns data about all existing events


returns a list of specific events (eg. used by the order window to request exactly those needed by the tickets it shows)


returns the information necessary to handle sales with seat plans


create a new event


change event data (like date/time, artist, room, ...)


cancel an event


returns a list of all existing rooms


creates a new room


Returns a list of all existing seat plans.


Returns the event plus all orders concerning it.


returns a specific ticket with detailed info


returns a specific voucher with detailed info


get details for an order by its ID


get a complete list of orders starting at the time "oldest"


returns all orders that match a specific list of events


returns all orders that were purchased by a specific customer


returns all orders created by the current user


returns all orders created by the a specified user


retrieves the order in which a specific ticket or voucher was bought


CreateOrder creates orders that are queued to be executed immediately or sales that are marked executed and paid for immediately; they may contain tickets, vouchers, or shopping items.


Reservations are orders that are not executed right away. They may only contain tickets that block some seats for a limited time. They cannot contain any shopping items or vouchers.


This transaction turns a reservation into a regular order.


pay for an order with money/credit card/...; see UseVoucher for using a voucher to pay


returns money if too much has been paid (e.g. after an event has been cancelled)


Use a voucher to pay for an order.

The system automatically deducts as much as is due for the order or as much as is left on the voucher - whichever is lower. If the voucher is not paid for the transaction will fail. The transaction will never transfer money from an order back to the voucher. If the voucher is no longer valid the transaction will fail.


Deducts an amount from a voucher - this can be used for items that are not in the MagicSmoke shop repository.

Fails if the voucher is not paid for yet. Will not transfer anything if the voucher does not contain enough money. Fails if the voucher is not valid anymore.


Empties a voucher, makes it invalid for any further use, but also keeps the price tag.

This also works if the voucher is already invalid.


Changes the validity date of the voucher.


Changes the shipping option and/or price of an order.


Add a comment to the end of the comments field. Most users will only have this right.


For privileged users: edit the complete comments field, overwrite it.


Privileged users: return a ticket or voucher and deduct its price from the order it was in. This may fail if the ticket or voucher has already been used.


Privileged users: change the price of a ticket. Usually you would change its category.


Mildly privileged users: change the category of a ticket (eg. from "normal price" to "reduced price"). The new category must exist for the event concerned.


Mildly privileged users: change the delivery and/or invoice address of an order.


Returns a list of all shipping methods that the user has access to. This transaction is sensitive to flags, like "anyshipping".


Changes a shipping method, eg. its default price. Changing the price has no effect on existing orders, while changing the name is reflected in orders - this is due to the order referencing the shipping method, but copying its price so that it can be changed by privileged users.


Creates a new shipping method.


Attempts to delete a shipping method. This will fail if the method was used in existing orders - use flags to hide such methods from newer orders.


Returns a list of voucher values/prices that the system will accept for normal users (which do not have special privileges).


Attempts to mark a ticket as used. Fails if the ticket has already been used or is not paid for.


This is a convenience transaction: it returns all events that are likely to be chosen at an entrance barcode scanner; this includes all events starting at max. within the next 24 hours that and that have not ended yet.


returns the valid payment types


creates/changes a payment type


sets the payment type that is used per default


deletes a payment type


Gets the names of all files associated with the Order.


Gets a document associated with an order.


Stores a document associated with an order. Overwrites the document if it already exists, creates it otherwise.


Deletes a document associated with an order. Produces an error if the document does not exist.


Sends an eMail to a customer. Usually to update the customer about Order data.


Gets all settings pertaining to Print.


Overrides settings for Print, use isnull=true to delete entries.


Retrieves details about a single coupon.


Retrieves all Coupon IDs.


Creates a new coupon.


Changes a coupon.


returns all audit data for a ticket (when it was bought, changed prices, when it was used)


returns all audit data for a voucher (when it was bought, when it was used and for what)


returns all audit data for an order (when it was created, who handled it, when it was paid and how, ...


returns all order related data the user has touched


Called from the Web UI only: adds tickets to a specific event.


Called from the Web UI only: removes tickets for a specific event from the cart.


Called from the Web UI only: adds vouchers.


Called from the Web UI only: removes vouchers.


Called from Web UI only: adds a coupon to the cart.


Returns the list of templates that this user can access. This transaction is sensitive to flags.


Returns a specific template.


Overwrites or creates a specific template.


Changes the description of a template.


Deletes a template from the server.


Changes the flags of the template.


users with this privilege are allowed to set the iscancelled property and hence cancel or uncancel events


users with this privilege can create vouchers with arbitrary value


users with this privilege can create vouchers with a price (what the customer pays) different from its value (what the customer can buy with it)


users with this privilege can sell/order tickets until the event is over, otherwise a configurable limit applies


users with this privilege can sell tickets for past events - be careful to give this privilege only to very few special users, it is an invitation to mistakes!


users with this privilege may use this transaction to create orders


users with this privilege may use this transaction to create sales


users with this privilege may put tickets into orders


users with this privilege may put vouchers into orders


users with this privilege may put shop items (merchandise) into orders


users with this privilege may pay for vouchers with other vouchers


users with this right can make reservations right up to the start of the event, otherwise a configured limit applies


Users with this privilege can also cancel orders that have already been shipped.


Users with this privilege can cancel orders with tickets in the past (unless they have been used).


users with this privilege may pay for vouchers with other vouchers


Users with this privilege can set arbitrary shipping prices, all others are limited to the default price of the shipping method.


Users with this privilege can set a time for when the order was shipped, for all others the current time is used.


Users with this privilege can return tickets for events in the past (if they have not been used yet). All others can only return tickets for events in the future.


users with this privilege can change the price of used tickets - usually a ticket has to be changed before it is used


users with this privilege can change the price for tickets that are for past events


users with this privilege can change the price of used tickets - usually a ticket has to be changed before it is used


users with this privilege can change the price for tickets that are for past events

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MInterface::MInterface ( QString  name = "MagicSmoke")

Member Function Documentation

QList< MInterface::Right > MInterface::allKnownRights ( )

returns a list of all known rights/transactions

References PCancelOrder_CancelPastTickets, PCancelOrder_CancelSentOrder, PChangeEvent_CancelEvent, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangeUsedTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangeUsedTicket, PCreateOrder_AfterTheFactSale, PCreateOrder_AnyVoucherValue, PCreateOrder_CanOrder, PCreateOrder_CanOrderItem, PCreateOrder_CanOrderTicket, PCreateOrder_CanOrderVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanSell, PCreateOrder_DiffVoucherValuePrice, PCreateOrder_LateSale, PCreateReservation_LateReserve, POrderChangeShipping_ChangePrice, POrderMarkShipped_SetTime, PReturnTicketVoucher_ReturnPastTicket, PUseVoucher_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, RBackup, RBackupExplore, RBackupTable, RCancelEvent, RCancelOrder, RChangeCoupon, RChangeCustomer, RChangeCustomerMail, RChangeEvent, RChangeMyPassword, RChangeOrderAddress, RChangePassword, RChangePriceCategory, RChangeShipping, RChangeTicketPrice, RChangeTicketPriceCategory, RChangeVoucherValidity, RCreateArtist, RCreateContactType, RCreateCountry, RCreateCoupon, RCreateCustomer, RCreateEvent, RCreateOrder, RCreatePriceCategory, RCreateReservation, RCreateRole, RCreateRoom, RCreateSeatPlan, RCreateShipping, RCreateUser, RDeductVoucher, RDeleteCustomer, RDeleteFlag, RDeleteHost, RDeleteOrderDocument, RDeletePaymentType, RDeleteRole, RDeleteShipping, RDeleteTemplate, RDeleteUser, REmptyVoucher, RGetAddress, RGetAllArtists, RGetAllContactTypes, RGetAllCountries, RGetAllCustomerNames, RGetAllEvents, RGetAllHostNames, RGetAllHosts, RGetAllPriceCategories, RGetAllRightNames, RGetAllRoles, RGetAllRooms, RGetAllSeatPlans, RGetAllShipping, RGetAllUsers, RGetCoupon, RGetCouponList, RGetCreateCustomerHints, RGetCustomer, RGetEntranceEvents, RGetEvent, RGetEventList, RGetEventSaleInfo, RGetEventSummary, RGetLanguage, RGetMyOrders, RGetMyRights, RGetMyRoles, RGetOrder, RGetOrderAudit, RGetOrderByBarcode, RGetOrderDocument, RGetOrderDocumentNames, RGetOrderList, RGetOrdersByCoupon, RGetOrdersByCustomer, RGetOrdersByEvents, RGetOrdersByUser, RGetPaymentTypes, RGetPrintAtHomeSettings, RGetRole, RGetTemplate, RGetTemplateList, RGetTicket, RGetTicketAudit, RGetUser, RGetUserAudit, RGetUserHosts, RGetUserRoles, RGetValidFlags, RGetValidVoucherPrices, RGetVoucher, RGetVoucherAudit, RLogin, RLogout, ROrderAddComment, ROrderChangeComments, ROrderChangeShipping, ROrderMarkShipped, ROrderPay, ROrderRefund, RReservationToOrder, RResetCustomerPassword, RRestoreBackup, RReturnTicketVoucher, RSendCustomerMail, RServerInfo, RSetDefaultPaymentType, RSetFlag, RSetHost, RSetOrderDocument, RSetPaymentType, RSetPrintAtHomeSettings, RSetRoleDescription, RSetRoleFlags, RSetRoleRights, RSetTemplate, RSetTemplateDescription, RSetTemplateFlags, RSetUserDescription, RSetUserFlags, RSetUserHosts, RSetUserRoles, RUpdateSeatPlan, RUseTicket, RUseVoucher, RWebCartAddCoupon, RWebCartAddTicket, RWebCartAddVoucher, RWebCartRemoveTicket, and RWebCartRemoveVoucher.

QStringList MInterface::allKnownRightsString ( )

converts a localized string to a matching right enum, returns NoRight if the string does not match

static MInterface* MInterface::instance ( QString  name = "MagicSmoke")

convenience override: returns a pointer to an instance with the given name if it is of the correct type, otherwise nullptr

Referenced by MSInterface::instance().

MTBackup MInterface::queryBackup ( )

convenience call to query MTBackup synchronously

References MTBackup::query().

MTBackupExplore MInterface::queryBackupExplore ( )

convenience call to query MTBackupExplore synchronously

References MTBackupExplore::query().

MTBackupTable MInterface::queryBackupTable ( const QString &  atable,
const qint64 &  aminkey,
const qint64 &  amaxkey,
const QList< QString > &  akeylist 

convenience call to query MTBackupTable synchronously

References MTBackupTable::query().

MTCancelEvent MInterface::queryCancelEvent ( const qint64 &  aeventid,
const QString &  areason 

convenience call to query MTCancelEvent synchronously

References MTCancelEvent::query().

MTCancelOrder MInterface::queryCancelOrder ( const qint64 &  aorderid)

convenience call to query MTCancelOrder synchronously

References MTCancelOrder::query().

MTChangeCoupon MInterface::queryChangeCoupon ( const MOCoupon acoupon)

convenience call to query MTChangeCoupon synchronously

References MTChangeCoupon::query().

MTChangeCustomer MInterface::queryChangeCustomer ( const MOCustomer acustomer)

convenience call to query MTChangeCustomer synchronously

References MTChangeCustomer::query().

MTChangeCustomerMail MInterface::queryChangeCustomerMail ( const qint64 &  acustomerid,
const QString &  aemail 

convenience call to query MTChangeCustomerMail synchronously

References MTChangeCustomerMail::query().

MTChangeEvent MInterface::queryChangeEvent ( const MOEvent aevent)

convenience call to query MTChangeEvent synchronously

References MTChangeEvent::query().

MTChangeMyPassword MInterface::queryChangeMyPassword ( const QString &  aoldpassword,
const QString &  anewpassword 

convenience call to query MTChangeMyPassword synchronously

References MTChangeMyPassword::query().

MTChangeOrderAddress MInterface::queryChangeOrderAddress ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const bool &  asetinvoiceaddr,
const qint64 &  ainvoiceaddr,
const bool &  asetdeliveryaddr,
const qint64 &  adeliveryaddr 

convenience call to query MTChangeOrderAddress synchronously

References MTChangeOrderAddress::query().

MTChangePassword MInterface::queryChangePassword ( const QString &  ausername,
const QString &  apassword 

convenience call to query MTChangePassword synchronously

References MTChangePassword::query().

MTChangePriceCategory MInterface::queryChangePriceCategory ( const MOPriceCategory apricecategory)

convenience call to query MTChangePriceCategory synchronously

References MTChangePriceCategory::query().

MTChangeShipping MInterface::queryChangeShipping ( const MOShipping ashipping)

convenience call to query MTChangeShipping synchronously

References MTChangeShipping::query().

MTChangeTicketPrice MInterface::queryChangeTicketPrice ( const QString &  abarcode,
const qint64 &  aprice 

convenience call to query MTChangeTicketPrice synchronously

References MTChangeTicketPrice::query().

MTChangeTicketPriceCategory MInterface::queryChangeTicketPriceCategory ( const QString &  abarcode,
const qint64 &  apricecategoryid 

convenience call to query MTChangeTicketPriceCategory synchronously

References MTChangeTicketPriceCategory::query().

MTChangeVoucherValidity MInterface::queryChangeVoucherValidity ( const QString &  avoucherid,
const bool &  avalidforever,
const qint64 &  avalidtime,
const QString &  acomment 

convenience call to query MTChangeVoucherValidity synchronously

References MTChangeVoucherValidity::query().

MTCreateArtist MInterface::queryCreateArtist ( const QString &  aname,
const QString &  adescription,
const QString &  acomment 

convenience call to query MTCreateArtist synchronously

References MTCreateArtist::query().

MTCreateContactType MInterface::queryCreateContactType ( const QString &  atypename,
const QString &  auriprefix 

convenience call to query MTCreateContactType synchronously

References MTCreateContactType::query().

MTCreateCountry MInterface::queryCreateCountry ( const QString &  aabbrev,
const QString &  aname 

convenience call to query MTCreateCountry synchronously

References MTCreateCountry::query().

MTCreateCoupon MInterface::queryCreateCoupon ( const MOCoupon acoupon)

convenience call to query MTCreateCoupon synchronously

References MTCreateCoupon::query().

MTCreateCustomer MInterface::queryCreateCustomer ( const MOCustomer acustomer)

convenience call to query MTCreateCustomer synchronously

References MTCreateCustomer::query().

MTCreateEvent MInterface::queryCreateEvent ( const MOEvent aevent)

convenience call to query MTCreateEvent synchronously

References MTCreateEvent::query().

MTCreateOrder MInterface::queryCreateOrder ( const MOCartOrder acart,
const bool &  aissale,
const QList< QString > &  avouchers 

convenience call to query MTCreateOrder synchronously

References MTCreateOrder::query().

MTCreatePriceCategory MInterface::queryCreatePriceCategory ( const MOPriceCategory apricecategory)

convenience call to query MTCreatePriceCategory synchronously

References MTCreatePriceCategory::query().

MTCreateReservation MInterface::queryCreateReservation ( const MOCartOrder acart)

convenience call to query MTCreateReservation synchronously

References MTCreateReservation::query().

MTCreateRole MInterface::queryCreateRole ( const QString &  arole)

convenience call to query MTCreateRole synchronously

References MTCreateRole::query().

MTCreateRoom MInterface::queryCreateRoom ( const QString &  aroomid,
const qint64 &  acapacity,
const QString &  adescription 

convenience call to query MTCreateRoom synchronously

References MTCreateRoom::query().

MTCreateSeatPlan MInterface::queryCreateSeatPlan ( const MOSeatPlanInfo aplan)

convenience call to query MTCreateSeatPlan synchronously

References MTCreateSeatPlan::query().

MTCreateShipping MInterface::queryCreateShipping ( const MOShipping ashipping)

convenience call to query MTCreateShipping synchronously

References MTCreateShipping::query().

MTCreateUser MInterface::queryCreateUser ( const QString &  ausername,
const QString &  apassword,
const QString &  adescription 

convenience call to query MTCreateUser synchronously

References MTCreateUser::query().

MTDeductVoucher MInterface::queryDeductVoucher ( const QString &  avoucherid,
const qint64 &  aamount,
const QString &  acomment 

convenience call to query MTDeductVoucher synchronously

References MTDeductVoucher::query().

MTDeleteCustomer MInterface::queryDeleteCustomer ( const qint64 &  acustomerid,
const qint64 &  amergewithid 

convenience call to query MTDeleteCustomer synchronously

References MTDeleteCustomer::query().

MTDeleteFlag MInterface::queryDeleteFlag ( const QString &  aflag)

convenience call to query MTDeleteFlag synchronously

References MTDeleteFlag::query().

MTDeleteHost MInterface::queryDeleteHost ( const QString &  aname)

convenience call to query MTDeleteHost synchronously

References MTDeleteHost::query().

MTDeleteOrderDocument MInterface::queryDeleteOrderDocument ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const QString &  afilename 

convenience call to query MTDeleteOrderDocument synchronously

References MTDeleteOrderDocument::query().

MTDeletePaymentType MInterface::queryDeletePaymentType ( const QString &  apaytype)

convenience call to query MTDeletePaymentType synchronously

References MTDeletePaymentType::query().

MTDeleteRole MInterface::queryDeleteRole ( const QString &  arole)

convenience call to query MTDeleteRole synchronously

References MTDeleteRole::query().

MTDeleteShipping MInterface::queryDeleteShipping ( const qint64 &  ashipid)

convenience call to query MTDeleteShipping synchronously

References MTDeleteShipping::query().

MTDeleteTemplate MInterface::queryDeleteTemplate ( const QString &  afilename)

convenience call to query MTDeleteTemplate synchronously

References MTDeleteTemplate::query().

MTDeleteUser MInterface::queryDeleteUser ( const QString &  ausername,
const QString &  amergewithuser 

convenience call to query MTDeleteUser synchronously

References MTDeleteUser::query().

MTEmptyVoucher MInterface::queryEmptyVoucher ( const QString &  avoucherid,
const QString &  acomment 

convenience call to query MTEmptyVoucher synchronously

References MTEmptyVoucher::query().

MTGetAddress MInterface::queryGetAddress ( const qint64 &  aaddressid)

convenience call to query MTGetAddress synchronously

References MTGetAddress::query().

MTGetAllArtists MInterface::queryGetAllArtists ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllArtists synchronously

References MTGetAllArtists::query().

MTGetAllContactTypes MInterface::queryGetAllContactTypes ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllContactTypes synchronously

References MTGetAllContactTypes::query().

MTGetAllCountries MInterface::queryGetAllCountries ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllCountries synchronously

References MTGetAllCountries::query().

MTGetAllCustomerNames MInterface::queryGetAllCustomerNames ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllCustomerNames synchronously

References MTGetAllCustomerNames::query().

MTGetAllEvents MInterface::queryGetAllEvents ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllEvents synchronously

References MTGetAllEvents::query().

MTGetAllHostNames MInterface::queryGetAllHostNames ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllHostNames synchronously

References MTGetAllHostNames::query().

MTGetAllHosts MInterface::queryGetAllHosts ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllHosts synchronously

References MTGetAllHosts::query().

MTGetAllPriceCategories MInterface::queryGetAllPriceCategories ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllPriceCategories synchronously

References MTGetAllPriceCategories::query().

MTGetAllRightNames MInterface::queryGetAllRightNames ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllRightNames synchronously

References MTGetAllRightNames::query().

MTGetAllRoles MInterface::queryGetAllRoles ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllRoles synchronously

References MTGetAllRoles::query().

MTGetAllRooms MInterface::queryGetAllRooms ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllRooms synchronously

References MTGetAllRooms::query().

MTGetAllSeatPlans MInterface::queryGetAllSeatPlans ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllSeatPlans synchronously

References MTGetAllSeatPlans::query().

MTGetAllShipping MInterface::queryGetAllShipping ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllShipping synchronously

References MTGetAllShipping::query().

MTGetAllUsers MInterface::queryGetAllUsers ( )

convenience call to query MTGetAllUsers synchronously

References MTGetAllUsers::query().

MTGetCoupon MInterface::queryGetCoupon ( const QString &  acouponid)

convenience call to query MTGetCoupon synchronously

References MTGetCoupon::query().

MTGetCouponList MInterface::queryGetCouponList ( const QString &  acouponid)

convenience call to query MTGetCouponList synchronously

References MTGetCouponList::query().

MTGetCreateCustomerHints MInterface::queryGetCreateCustomerHints ( )

convenience call to query MTGetCreateCustomerHints synchronously

References MTGetCreateCustomerHints::query().

MTGetCustomer MInterface::queryGetCustomer ( const qint64 &  acustomerid)

convenience call to query MTGetCustomer synchronously

References MTGetCustomer::query().

MTGetEntranceEvents MInterface::queryGetEntranceEvents ( const qint64 &  amaxbeforestart,
const qint64 &  amaxafterend 

convenience call to query MTGetEntranceEvents synchronously

References MTGetEntranceEvents::query().

MTGetEvent MInterface::queryGetEvent ( const qint64 &  aeventid)

convenience call to query MTGetEvent synchronously

References MTGetEvent::query().

Referenced by MOEvent::MOEvent().

MTGetEventList MInterface::queryGetEventList ( const QList< qint64 > &  aeventids)

convenience call to query MTGetEventList synchronously

References MTGetEventList::query().

MTGetEventSaleInfo MInterface::queryGetEventSaleInfo ( const qint64 &  aeventid)

convenience call to query MTGetEventSaleInfo synchronously

References MTGetEventSaleInfo::query().

MTGetEventSummary MInterface::queryGetEventSummary ( const qint64 &  aeventid)

convenience call to query MTGetEventSummary synchronously

References MTGetEventSummary::query().

MTGetLanguage MInterface::queryGetLanguage ( const QString &  alanguage,
const QString &  aformat 

convenience call to query MTGetLanguage synchronously

References MTGetLanguage::query().

MTGetMyOrders MInterface::queryGetMyOrders ( const qint64 &  aoldest,
const bool &  aincludeall 

convenience call to query MTGetMyOrders synchronously

References MTGetMyOrders::query().

MTGetMyRights MInterface::queryGetMyRights ( )

convenience call to query MTGetMyRights synchronously

References MTGetMyRights::query().

MTGetMyRoles MInterface::queryGetMyRoles ( )

convenience call to query MTGetMyRoles synchronously

References MTGetMyRoles::query().

MTGetOrder MInterface::queryGetOrder ( const qint64 &  aorderid)

convenience call to query MTGetOrder synchronously

References MTGetOrder::query().

MTGetOrderAudit MInterface::queryGetOrderAudit ( const qint64 &  aorderid)

convenience call to query MTGetOrderAudit synchronously

References MTGetOrderAudit::query().

MTGetOrderByBarcode MInterface::queryGetOrderByBarcode ( const QString &  abarcode)

convenience call to query MTGetOrderByBarcode synchronously

References MTGetOrderByBarcode::query().

MTGetOrderDocument MInterface::queryGetOrderDocument ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const QString &  afilename 

convenience call to query MTGetOrderDocument synchronously

References MTGetOrderDocument::query().

MTGetOrderDocumentNames MInterface::queryGetOrderDocumentNames ( const qint64 &  aorderid)

convenience call to query MTGetOrderDocumentNames synchronously

References MTGetOrderDocumentNames::query().

MTGetOrderList MInterface::queryGetOrderList ( const qint64 &  aoldest)

convenience call to query MTGetOrderList synchronously

References MTGetOrderList::query().

MTGetOrdersByCoupon MInterface::queryGetOrdersByCoupon ( const qint64 &  aoldest,
const QString &  acouponid 

convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByCoupon synchronously

References MTGetOrdersByCoupon::query().

MTGetOrdersByCustomer MInterface::queryGetOrdersByCustomer ( const qint64 &  acustomerid,
const qint64 &  aoldest 

convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByCustomer synchronously

References MTGetOrdersByCustomer::query().

MTGetOrdersByEvents MInterface::queryGetOrdersByEvents ( const QList< qint64 > &  aevents,
const qint64 &  aoldest 

convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByEvents synchronously

References MTGetOrdersByEvents::query().

MTGetOrdersByUser MInterface::queryGetOrdersByUser ( const qint64 &  aoldest,
const bool &  aincludeall,
const QString &  ausername 

convenience call to query MTGetOrdersByUser synchronously

References MTGetOrdersByUser::query().

MTGetPaymentTypes MInterface::queryGetPaymentTypes ( )

convenience call to query MTGetPaymentTypes synchronously

References MTGetPaymentTypes::query().

MTGetPrintAtHomeSettings MInterface::queryGetPrintAtHomeSettings ( )

convenience call to query MTGetPrintAtHomeSettings synchronously

References MTGetPrintAtHomeSettings::query().

MTGetRole MInterface::queryGetRole ( const QString &  arole)

convenience call to query MTGetRole synchronously

References MTGetRole::query().

MTGetTemplate MInterface::queryGetTemplate ( const QString &  afilename)

convenience call to query MTGetTemplate synchronously

References MTGetTemplate::query().

MTGetTemplateList MInterface::queryGetTemplateList ( )

convenience call to query MTGetTemplateList synchronously

References MTGetTemplateList::query().

MTGetTicket MInterface::queryGetTicket ( const QString &  aticketid)

convenience call to query MTGetTicket synchronously

References MTGetTicket::query().

MTGetTicketAudit MInterface::queryGetTicketAudit ( const QString &  aticketid)

convenience call to query MTGetTicketAudit synchronously

References MTGetTicketAudit::query().

MTGetUser MInterface::queryGetUser ( const QString &  auname)

convenience call to query MTGetUser synchronously

References MTGetUser::query().

MTGetUserAudit MInterface::queryGetUserAudit ( const QString &  auname,
const qint64 &  aoldest 

convenience call to query MTGetUserAudit synchronously

References MTGetUserAudit::query().

MTGetUserHosts MInterface::queryGetUserHosts ( const QString &  ausername)

convenience call to query MTGetUserHosts synchronously

References MTGetUserHosts::query().

MTGetUserRoles MInterface::queryGetUserRoles ( const QString &  ausername)

convenience call to query MTGetUserRoles synchronously

References MTGetUserRoles::query().

MTGetValidFlags MInterface::queryGetValidFlags ( )

convenience call to query MTGetValidFlags synchronously

References MTGetValidFlags::query().

MTGetValidVoucherPrices MInterface::queryGetValidVoucherPrices ( )

convenience call to query MTGetValidVoucherPrices synchronously

References MTGetValidVoucherPrices::query().

MTGetVoucher MInterface::queryGetVoucher ( const QString &  avoucherid)

convenience call to query MTGetVoucher synchronously

References MTGetVoucher::query().

MTGetVoucherAudit MInterface::queryGetVoucherAudit ( const QString &  avoucherid)

convenience call to query MTGetVoucherAudit synchronously

References MTGetVoucherAudit::query().

MTLogin MInterface::queryLogin ( const QString &  ausername,
const QString &  apassword,
const QString &  ahostname,
const QString &  ahostkey 

convenience call to query MTLogin synchronously

References MTLogin::query().

MTLogout MInterface::queryLogout ( )

convenience call to query MTLogout synchronously

References MTLogout::query().

Referenced by MSInterface::logout().

MTOrderAddComment MInterface::queryOrderAddComment ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const QString &  acomment 

convenience call to query MTOrderAddComment synchronously

References MTOrderAddComment::query().

MTOrderChangeComments MInterface::queryOrderChangeComments ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const QString &  acomments 

convenience call to query MTOrderChangeComments synchronously

References MTOrderChangeComments::query().

MTOrderChangeShipping MInterface::queryOrderChangeShipping ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const qint64 &  ashippingid,
const qint64 &  ashippingcosts 

convenience call to query MTOrderChangeShipping synchronously

References MTOrderChangeShipping::query().

MTOrderMarkShipped MInterface::queryOrderMarkShipped ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const qint64 &  ashiptime 

convenience call to query MTOrderMarkShipped synchronously

References MTOrderMarkShipped::query().

MTOrderPay MInterface::queryOrderPay ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const qint64 &  aamount,
const QString &  apaytype,
const QString &  apaydata 

convenience call to query MTOrderPay synchronously

References MTOrderPay::query().

MTOrderRefund MInterface::queryOrderRefund ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const qint64 &  aamount 

convenience call to query MTOrderRefund synchronously

References MTOrderRefund::query().

MTReservationToOrder MInterface::queryReservationToOrder ( const qint64 &  aorderid)

convenience call to query MTReservationToOrder synchronously

References MTReservationToOrder::query().

MTResetCustomerPassword MInterface::queryResetCustomerPassword ( const qint64 &  acustomerid)

convenience call to query MTResetCustomerPassword synchronously

References MTResetCustomerPassword::query().

MTRestoreBackup MInterface::queryRestoreBackup ( const QString &  abackup,
const bool &  aupdate 

convenience call to query MTRestoreBackup synchronously

References MTRestoreBackup::query().

MTReturnTicketVoucher MInterface::queryReturnTicketVoucher ( const QString &  abarcode)

convenience call to query MTReturnTicketVoucher synchronously

References MTReturnTicketVoucher::query().

MTSendCustomerMail MInterface::querySendCustomerMail ( const qint64 &  acustomerid,
const QString &  acontent 

convenience call to query MTSendCustomerMail synchronously

References MTSendCustomerMail::query().

MTServerInfo MInterface::queryServerInfo ( )

convenience call to query MTServerInfo synchronously

References MTServerInfo::query().

MTSetDefaultPaymentType MInterface::querySetDefaultPaymentType ( const QString &  adefaultpaytype)

convenience call to query MTSetDefaultPaymentType synchronously

References MTSetDefaultPaymentType::query().

MTSetFlag MInterface::querySetFlag ( const MOFlag aflag)

convenience call to query MTSetFlag synchronously

References MTSetFlag::query().

MTSetHost MInterface::querySetHost ( const QString &  aname,
const QString &  akey 

convenience call to query MTSetHost synchronously

References MTSetHost::query().

MTSetOrderDocument MInterface::querySetOrderDocument ( const MOOrderDocument adocument)

convenience call to query MTSetOrderDocument synchronously

References MTSetOrderDocument::query().

MTSetPaymentType MInterface::querySetPaymentType ( const MOPaymentType apaytype)

convenience call to query MTSetPaymentType synchronously

References MTSetPaymentType::query().

MTSetPrintAtHomeSettings MInterface::querySetPrintAtHomeSettings ( const QList< MOKeyValuePair > &  asettings)

convenience call to query MTSetPrintAtHomeSettings synchronously

References MTSetPrintAtHomeSettings::query().

MTSetRoleDescription MInterface::querySetRoleDescription ( const QString &  arole,
const QString &  adescription 

convenience call to query MTSetRoleDescription synchronously

References MTSetRoleDescription::query().

MTSetRoleFlags MInterface::querySetRoleFlags ( const QString &  arole,
const QList< QString > &  aflags 

convenience call to query MTSetRoleFlags synchronously

References MTSetRoleFlags::query().

MTSetRoleRights MInterface::querySetRoleRights ( const QString &  arole,
const QList< QString > &  arights 

convenience call to query MTSetRoleRights synchronously

References MTSetRoleRights::query().

MTSetTemplate MInterface::querySetTemplate ( const QString &  afilename,
const QByteArray &  atemplatedata,
const QString &  adescription 

convenience call to query MTSetTemplate synchronously

References MTSetTemplate::query().

MTSetTemplateDescription MInterface::querySetTemplateDescription ( const QString &  afilename,
const QString &  adescription 

convenience call to query MTSetTemplateDescription synchronously

References MTSetTemplateDescription::query().

MTSetTemplateFlags MInterface::querySetTemplateFlags ( const QString &  afilename,
const QString &  aflags 

convenience call to query MTSetTemplateFlags synchronously

References MTSetTemplateFlags::query().

MTSetUserDescription MInterface::querySetUserDescription ( const QString &  ausername,
const QString &  adescription 

convenience call to query MTSetUserDescription synchronously

References MTSetUserDescription::query().

MTSetUserFlags MInterface::querySetUserFlags ( const QString &  ausername,
const QList< QString > &  aflags 

convenience call to query MTSetUserFlags synchronously

References MTSetUserFlags::query().

MTSetUserHosts MInterface::querySetUserHosts ( const QString &  ausername,
const QList< QString > &  ahosts 

convenience call to query MTSetUserHosts synchronously

References MTSetUserHosts::query().

MTSetUserRoles MInterface::querySetUserRoles ( const QString &  ausername,
const QList< QString > &  aroles 

convenience call to query MTSetUserRoles synchronously

References MTSetUserRoles::query().

MTUpdateSeatPlan MInterface::queryUpdateSeatPlan ( const MOSeatPlanInfo aplan)

convenience call to query MTUpdateSeatPlan synchronously

References MTUpdateSeatPlan::query().

MTUseTicket MInterface::queryUseTicket ( const QString &  aticketid,
const qint64 &  aeventid 

convenience call to query MTUseTicket synchronously

References MTUseTicket::query().

MTUseVoucher MInterface::queryUseVoucher ( const qint64 &  aorderid,
const QString &  avoucherid 

convenience call to query MTUseVoucher synchronously

References MTUseVoucher::query().

MTWebCartAddCoupon MInterface::queryWebCartAddCoupon ( const QString &  acartid,
const QString &  acouponid 

convenience call to query MTWebCartAddCoupon synchronously

References MTWebCartAddCoupon::query().

MTWebCartAddTicket MInterface::queryWebCartAddTicket ( const QString &  acartid,
const qint64 &  aeventid,
const qint64 &  apricecategoryid,
const qint64 &  aamount 

convenience call to query MTWebCartAddTicket synchronously

References MTWebCartAddTicket::query().

MTWebCartAddVoucher MInterface::queryWebCartAddVoucher ( const QString &  acartid,
const qint64 &  aprice 

convenience call to query MTWebCartAddVoucher synchronously

References MTWebCartAddVoucher::query().

MTWebCartRemoveTicket MInterface::queryWebCartRemoveTicket ( const QString &  acartid,
const qint64 &  aeventid,
const qint64 &  apricecategoryid 

convenience call to query MTWebCartRemoveTicket synchronously

References MTWebCartRemoveTicket::query().

MTWebCartRemoveVoucher MInterface::queryWebCartRemoveVoucher ( const QString &  acartid,
const qint64 &  alineid 

convenience call to query MTWebCartRemoveVoucher synchronously

References MTWebCartRemoveVoucher::query().

QString MInterface::rightToLocalString ( Right  r)

converts a right enum to its localized string representation

References PCancelOrder_CancelPastTickets, PCancelOrder_CancelSentOrder, PChangeEvent_CancelEvent, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangeUsedTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangeUsedTicket, PCreateOrder_AfterTheFactSale, PCreateOrder_AnyVoucherValue, PCreateOrder_CanOrder, PCreateOrder_CanOrderItem, PCreateOrder_CanOrderTicket, PCreateOrder_CanOrderVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanSell, PCreateOrder_DiffVoucherValuePrice, PCreateOrder_LateSale, PCreateReservation_LateReserve, POrderChangeShipping_ChangePrice, POrderMarkShipped_SetTime, PReturnTicketVoucher_ReturnPastTicket, PUseVoucher_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, RBackup, RBackupExplore, RBackupTable, RCancelEvent, RCancelOrder, RChangeCoupon, RChangeCustomer, RChangeCustomerMail, RChangeEvent, RChangeMyPassword, RChangeOrderAddress, RChangePassword, RChangePriceCategory, RChangeShipping, RChangeTicketPrice, RChangeTicketPriceCategory, RChangeVoucherValidity, RCreateArtist, RCreateContactType, RCreateCountry, RCreateCoupon, RCreateCustomer, RCreateEvent, RCreateOrder, RCreatePriceCategory, RCreateReservation, RCreateRole, RCreateRoom, RCreateSeatPlan, RCreateShipping, RCreateUser, RDeductVoucher, RDeleteCustomer, RDeleteFlag, RDeleteHost, RDeleteOrderDocument, RDeletePaymentType, RDeleteRole, RDeleteShipping, RDeleteTemplate, RDeleteUser, REmptyVoucher, RGetAddress, RGetAllArtists, RGetAllContactTypes, RGetAllCountries, RGetAllCustomerNames, RGetAllEvents, RGetAllHostNames, RGetAllHosts, RGetAllPriceCategories, RGetAllRightNames, RGetAllRoles, RGetAllRooms, RGetAllSeatPlans, RGetAllShipping, RGetAllUsers, RGetCoupon, RGetCouponList, RGetCreateCustomerHints, RGetCustomer, RGetEntranceEvents, RGetEvent, RGetEventList, RGetEventSaleInfo, RGetEventSummary, RGetLanguage, RGetMyOrders, RGetMyRights, RGetMyRoles, RGetOrder, RGetOrderAudit, RGetOrderByBarcode, RGetOrderDocument, RGetOrderDocumentNames, RGetOrderList, RGetOrdersByCoupon, RGetOrdersByCustomer, RGetOrdersByEvents, RGetOrdersByUser, RGetPaymentTypes, RGetPrintAtHomeSettings, RGetRole, RGetTemplate, RGetTemplateList, RGetTicket, RGetTicketAudit, RGetUser, RGetUserAudit, RGetUserHosts, RGetUserRoles, RGetValidFlags, RGetValidVoucherPrices, RGetVoucher, RGetVoucherAudit, RLogin, RLogout, ROrderAddComment, ROrderChangeComments, ROrderChangeShipping, ROrderMarkShipped, ROrderPay, ROrderRefund, RReservationToOrder, RResetCustomerPassword, RRestoreBackup, RReturnTicketVoucher, RSendCustomerMail, RServerInfo, RSetDefaultPaymentType, RSetFlag, RSetHost, RSetOrderDocument, RSetPaymentType, RSetPrintAtHomeSettings, RSetRoleDescription, RSetRoleFlags, RSetRoleRights, RSetTemplate, RSetTemplateDescription, RSetTemplateFlags, RSetUserDescription, RSetUserFlags, RSetUserHosts, RSetUserRoles, RUpdateSeatPlan, RUseTicket, RUseVoucher, RWebCartAddCoupon, RWebCartAddTicket, RWebCartAddVoucher, RWebCartRemoveTicket, and RWebCartRemoveVoucher.

QString MInterface::rightToString ( Right  r)

converts a right enum to its string representation

References PCancelOrder_CancelPastTickets, PCancelOrder_CancelSentOrder, PChangeEvent_CancelEvent, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangeUsedTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangeUsedTicket, PCreateOrder_AfterTheFactSale, PCreateOrder_AnyVoucherValue, PCreateOrder_CanOrder, PCreateOrder_CanOrderItem, PCreateOrder_CanOrderTicket, PCreateOrder_CanOrderVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanSell, PCreateOrder_DiffVoucherValuePrice, PCreateOrder_LateSale, PCreateReservation_LateReserve, POrderChangeShipping_ChangePrice, POrderMarkShipped_SetTime, PReturnTicketVoucher_ReturnPastTicket, PUseVoucher_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, RBackup, RBackupExplore, RBackupTable, RCancelEvent, RCancelOrder, RChangeCoupon, RChangeCustomer, RChangeCustomerMail, RChangeEvent, RChangeMyPassword, RChangeOrderAddress, RChangePassword, RChangePriceCategory, RChangeShipping, RChangeTicketPrice, RChangeTicketPriceCategory, RChangeVoucherValidity, RCreateArtist, RCreateContactType, RCreateCountry, RCreateCoupon, RCreateCustomer, RCreateEvent, RCreateOrder, RCreatePriceCategory, RCreateReservation, RCreateRole, RCreateRoom, RCreateSeatPlan, RCreateShipping, RCreateUser, RDeductVoucher, RDeleteCustomer, RDeleteFlag, RDeleteHost, RDeleteOrderDocument, RDeletePaymentType, RDeleteRole, RDeleteShipping, RDeleteTemplate, RDeleteUser, REmptyVoucher, RGetAddress, RGetAllArtists, RGetAllContactTypes, RGetAllCountries, RGetAllCustomerNames, RGetAllEvents, RGetAllHostNames, RGetAllHosts, RGetAllPriceCategories, RGetAllRightNames, RGetAllRoles, RGetAllRooms, RGetAllSeatPlans, RGetAllShipping, RGetAllUsers, RGetCoupon, RGetCouponList, RGetCreateCustomerHints, RGetCustomer, RGetEntranceEvents, RGetEvent, RGetEventList, RGetEventSaleInfo, RGetEventSummary, RGetLanguage, RGetMyOrders, RGetMyRights, RGetMyRoles, RGetOrder, RGetOrderAudit, RGetOrderByBarcode, RGetOrderDocument, RGetOrderDocumentNames, RGetOrderList, RGetOrdersByCoupon, RGetOrdersByCustomer, RGetOrdersByEvents, RGetOrdersByUser, RGetPaymentTypes, RGetPrintAtHomeSettings, RGetRole, RGetTemplate, RGetTemplateList, RGetTicket, RGetTicketAudit, RGetUser, RGetUserAudit, RGetUserHosts, RGetUserRoles, RGetValidFlags, RGetValidVoucherPrices, RGetVoucher, RGetVoucherAudit, RLogin, RLogout, ROrderAddComment, ROrderChangeComments, ROrderChangeShipping, ROrderMarkShipped, ROrderPay, ROrderRefund, RReservationToOrder, RResetCustomerPassword, RRestoreBackup, RReturnTicketVoucher, RSendCustomerMail, RServerInfo, RSetDefaultPaymentType, RSetFlag, RSetHost, RSetOrderDocument, RSetPaymentType, RSetPrintAtHomeSettings, RSetRoleDescription, RSetRoleFlags, RSetRoleRights, RSetTemplate, RSetTemplateDescription, RSetTemplateFlags, RSetUserDescription, RSetUserFlags, RSetUserHosts, RSetUserRoles, RUpdateSeatPlan, RUseTicket, RUseVoucher, RWebCartAddCoupon, RWebCartAddTicket, RWebCartAddVoucher, RWebCartRemoveTicket, and RWebCartRemoveVoucher.

QString MInterface::staticVersionInfo ( WOb::VersionInfo  vi)

returns version information of this interface

References WOCgenerated_versionInfo().

Referenced by MApplication::aboutMS(), and MApplication::versionDlg().

QString MInterface::staticWocVersionInfo ( WOb::VersionInfo  vi)

returns version information about the WOC that created the interface class

References WOCcopied_versionInfo().

Referenced by MApplication::versionDlg().

MInterface::Right MInterface::stringToRight ( QString  s)

converts a string to a matching right enum, returns NoRight if the string does not match

References NoRight, PCancelOrder_CancelPastTickets, PCancelOrder_CancelSentOrder, PChangeEvent_CancelEvent, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPrice_ChangeUsedTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangePastTicket, PChangeTicketPriceCategory_ChangeUsedTicket, PCreateOrder_AfterTheFactSale, PCreateOrder_AnyVoucherValue, PCreateOrder_CanOrder, PCreateOrder_CanOrderItem, PCreateOrder_CanOrderTicket, PCreateOrder_CanOrderVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, PCreateOrder_CanSell, PCreateOrder_DiffVoucherValuePrice, PCreateOrder_LateSale, PCreateReservation_LateReserve, POrderChangeShipping_ChangePrice, POrderMarkShipped_SetTime, PReturnTicketVoucher_ReturnPastTicket, PUseVoucher_CanPayVoucherWithVoucher, RBackup, RBackupExplore, RBackupTable, RCancelEvent, RCancelOrder, RChangeCoupon, RChangeCustomer, RChangeCustomerMail, RChangeEvent, RChangeMyPassword, RChangeOrderAddress, RChangePassword, RChangePriceCategory, RChangeShipping, RChangeTicketPrice, RChangeTicketPriceCategory, RChangeVoucherValidity, RCreateArtist, RCreateContactType, RCreateCountry, RCreateCoupon, RCreateCustomer, RCreateEvent, RCreateOrder, RCreatePriceCategory, RCreateReservation, RCreateRole, RCreateRoom, RCreateSeatPlan, RCreateShipping, RCreateUser, RDeductVoucher, RDeleteCustomer, RDeleteFlag, RDeleteHost, RDeleteOrderDocument, RDeletePaymentType, RDeleteRole, RDeleteShipping, RDeleteTemplate, RDeleteUser, REmptyVoucher, RGetAddress, RGetAllArtists, RGetAllContactTypes, RGetAllCountries, RGetAllCustomerNames, RGetAllEvents, RGetAllHostNames, RGetAllHosts, RGetAllPriceCategories, RGetAllRightNames, RGetAllRoles, RGetAllRooms, RGetAllSeatPlans, RGetAllShipping, RGetAllUsers, RGetCoupon, RGetCouponList, RGetCreateCustomerHints, RGetCustomer, RGetEntranceEvents, RGetEvent, RGetEventList, RGetEventSaleInfo, RGetEventSummary, RGetLanguage, RGetMyOrders, RGetMyRights, RGetMyRoles, RGetOrder, RGetOrderAudit, RGetOrderByBarcode, RGetOrderDocument, RGetOrderDocumentNames, RGetOrderList, RGetOrdersByCoupon, RGetOrdersByCustomer, RGetOrdersByEvents, RGetOrdersByUser, RGetPaymentTypes, RGetPrintAtHomeSettings, RGetRole, RGetTemplate, RGetTemplateList, RGetTicket, RGetTicketAudit, RGetUser, RGetUserAudit, RGetUserHosts, RGetUserRoles, RGetValidFlags, RGetValidVoucherPrices, RGetVoucher, RGetVoucherAudit, RLogin, RLogout, ROrderAddComment, ROrderChangeComments, ROrderChangeShipping, ROrderMarkShipped, ROrderPay, ROrderRefund, RReservationToOrder, RResetCustomerPassword, RRestoreBackup, RReturnTicketVoucher, RSendCustomerMail, RServerInfo, RSetDefaultPaymentType, RSetFlag, RSetHost, RSetOrderDocument, RSetPaymentType, RSetPrintAtHomeSettings, RSetRoleDescription, RSetRoleFlags, RSetRoleRights, RSetTemplate, RSetTemplateDescription, RSetTemplateFlags, RSetUserDescription, RSetUserFlags, RSetUserHosts, RSetUserRoles, RUpdateSeatPlan, RUseTicket, RUseVoucher, RWebCartAddCoupon, RWebCartAddTicket, RWebCartAddVoucher, RWebCartRemoveTicket, and RWebCartRemoveVoucher.

Referenced by MSInterface::loginSession().

QString MInterface::versionInfo ( WOb::VersionInfo  vi) const

returns version information of this interface

References WOCgenerated_versionInfo().

QString MInterface::wocVersionInfo ( WOb::VersionInfo  vi) const

returns version information about the WOC that created the interface class

References WOCcopied_versionInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: