#include "version.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "locale.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
Classes | |
struct | attype |
struct | link |
struct | lookup |
struct | rule |
struct | zone |
Macros | |
#define | BIG_BANG (- (1LL << 59)) |
#define | DC_DOM 0 /* 1..31 */ /* unused */ |
#define | DC_DOWGEQ 1 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */ |
#define | DC_DOWLEQ 2 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */ |
#define | DO(field) fwrite(tzh.field, sizeof tzh.field, 1, fp) |
#define | LC_LEAP 3 |
#define | LC_LINK 2 |
#define | LC_RULE 0 |
#define | LC_ZONE 1 |
#define | LDAYSPERWEEK ((zic_t) DAYSPERWEEK) |
#define | LEAP_FIELDS 7 |
#define | LF_FROM 1 |
#define | LF_TO 2 |
#define | LINK_FIELDS 3 |
#define | linkat(fromdir, from, todir, to, flag) (itssymlink(from) ? (errno = ENOTSUP, -1) : link(from, to)) |
#define | LP_CORR 5 |
#define | LP_DAY 3 |
#define | LP_MONTH 2 |
#define | LP_ROLL 6 |
#define | LP_TIME 4 |
#define | LP_YEAR 1 |
#define | MKDIR_UMASK 0755 |
#define | PRIdLINENO PRIdMAX |
#define | PRIdZIC PRIdFAST64 |
#define | RF_ABBRVAR 9 |
#define | RF_COMMAND 4 |
#define | RF_DAY 6 |
#define | RF_HIYEAR 3 |
#define | RF_LOYEAR 2 |
#define | RF_MONTH 5 |
#define | RF_NAME 1 |
#define | RF_STDOFF 8 |
#define | RF_TOD 7 |
#define | RULE_FIELDS 10 |
#define | SCNdZIC SCNdFAST64 |
#define | TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE 64 |
#define | YR_MAXIMUM 1 |
#define | YR_MINIMUM 0 |
#define | YR_ONLY 2 |
#define | ZF_FORMAT 4 |
#define | ZF_GMTOFF 2 |
#define | ZF_NAME 1 |
#define | ZF_RULE 3 |
#define | ZF_TILDAY 7 |
#define | ZF_TILMONTH 6 |
#define | ZF_TILTIME 8 |
#define | ZF_TILYEAR 5 |
#define | ZFC_FORMAT 2 |
#define | ZFC_GMTOFF 0 |
#define | ZFC_RULE 1 |
#define | ZFC_TILDAY 5 |
#define | ZFC_TILMONTH 4 |
#define | ZFC_TILTIME 6 |
#define | ZFC_TILYEAR 3 |
#define | ZIC_MAX INT_FAST64_MAX |
#define | ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN 6 |
#define | ZIC_MIN INT_FAST64_MIN |
#define | ZIC_VERSION '3' |
#define | ZIC_VERSION_PRE_2013 '2' |
#define | ZONE_MAXFIELDS 9 |
#define | ZONE_MINFIELDS 5 |
#define | ZONEC_MAXFIELDS 7 |
#define | ZONEC_MINFIELDS 3 |
Typedefs | |
typedef intmax_t | lineno |
typedef int_fast64_t | zic_t |
Enumerations | |
enum | { PERCENT_Z_LEN_BOUND = sizeof "+995959" - 1 } |
enum | { WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071 = true } |
enum | { WORK_AROUND_GNOME_BUG_730332 = true } |
enum | { YEAR_BY_YEAR_ZONE = 1 } |
Functions | |
static char const * | abbroffset (char *buf, zic_t offset) |
static void | addtt (zic_t starttime, int type) |
static int | addtype (zic_t, char const *, bool, bool, bool) |
static void | adjleap (void) |
static void | associate (void) |
static int | atcomp (const void *avp, const void *bvp) |
static void | ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT ((printf, 1, 0)) |
static void | ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT ((printf, 1, 2)) |
static struct lookup const * | byword (const char *string, const struct lookup *lp) |
static void | change_directory (char const *dir) |
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool | ciequal (register const char *ap, register const char *bp) |
static void | close_file (FILE *stream, char const *dir, char const *name) |
static bool | componentcheck (char const *name, char const *component, char const *component_end) |
static void | convert (const int_fast32_t val, char *const buf) |
static void | convert64 (const zic_t val, char *const buf) |
static size_t | doabbr (char *abbr, struct zone const *zp, char const *letters, zic_t stdoff, bool doquotes) |
static void | dolink (const char *, const char *, bool) |
static void | eat (char const *name, lineno num) |
static void | eats (char const *name, lineno num, char const *rname, lineno rnum) |
static char * | ecpyalloc (char const *str) |
static void * | emalloc (size_t size) |
static void * | erealloc (void *ptr, size_t size) |
static char ** | getfields (char *buf) |
static char ** | getfields (register char *cp) |
static zic_t | gethms (const char *string, const char *errstring, bool) |
static void * | growalloc (void *ptr, size_t itemsize, ptrdiff_t nitems, ptrdiff_t *nitems_alloc) |
static int | hardlinkerr (char const *from, char const *to) |
static void | infile (const char *filename) |
static void | inleap (char **fields, int nfields) |
static void | inlink (char **fields, int nfields) |
static void | inrule (char **fields, int nfields) |
static bool | inzcont (char **fields, int nfields) |
static bool | inzone (char **fields, int nfields) |
static bool | inzsub (char **, int, bool) |
static bool | is32 (const zic_t x) |
static bool | is_alpha (char a) |
static bool | is_space (char a) |
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool | itsabbr (register const char *abbr, register const char *word) |
static bool | itsdir (char const *) |
static bool | itssymlink (char const *) |
static void | leapadd (zic_t, bool, int, int) |
static char | lowerit (char) |
int | main (int argc, char **argv) |
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE void * | memcheck (void *ptr) |
static _Noreturn void | memory_exhausted (const char *msg) |
static void | mkdirs (char const *, bool) |
static bool | namecheck (const char *name) |
static void | newabbr (const char *abbr) |
static zic_t | oadd (zic_t t1, zic_t t2) |
static void | outzone (const struct zone *zp, ptrdiff_t ntzones) |
static void | puttzcode (const int_fast32_t val, FILE *const fp) |
static void | puttzcode64 (const zic_t val, FILE *const fp) |
static int | rcomp (const void *cp1, const void *cp2) |
static char * | relname (char const *from, char const *to) |
static zic_t | rpytime (const struct rule *rp, zic_t wantedy) |
static int | rule_cmp (struct rule const *a, struct rule const *b) |
static void | rulesub (struct rule *rp, const char *loyearp, const char *hiyearp, const char *typep, const char *monthp, const char *dayp, const char *timep) |
static char * | shellquote (char *b, char const *s) |
static ATTRIBUTE_PURE size_t | size_product (size_t nitems, size_t itemsize) |
static int | stringoffset (char *result, zic_t offset) |
static int | stringrule (char *result, const struct rule *const rp, const zic_t dstoff, const zic_t gmtoff) |
static int | stringzone (char *result, struct zone const *zpfirst, ptrdiff_t zonecount) |
static zic_t | tadd (zic_t t1, zic_t t2) |
static _Noreturn void | time_overflow (void) |
static void | updateminmax (const zic_t x) |
static _Noreturn void | usage (FILE *stream, int status) |
static void | writezone (const char *const name, const char *const string, char version) |
static bool | yearistype (zic_t year, const char *type) |
Variables | |
static unsigned char | abbrinds [TZ_MAX_TYPES] |
static struct attype * | attypes |
static struct lookup const | begin_years [] |
static int | charcnt |
static char | chars [TZ_MAX_CHARS] |
static zic_t | corr [TZ_MAX_LEAPS] |
static const char * | directory |
static const zic_t | early_time |
static struct lookup const | end_years [] |
static bool | errors |
static const char * | filename |
static zic_t | gmtoffs [TZ_MAX_TYPES] |
static char | isdsts [TZ_MAX_TYPES] |
static struct lookup const | lasts [] |
static const char * | lcltime |
static struct lookup const | leap_types [] |
static int | leapcnt |
static zic_t | leapmaxyear |
static zic_t | leapminyear |
static const char * | leapsec |
static bool | leapseen |
static const int | len_months [2][MONSPERYEAR] |
static const int | len_years [2] |
static struct lookup const | line_codes [] |
static lineno | linenum |
static struct link * | links |
static int | max_abbrvar_len = PERCENT_Z_LEN_BOUND |
static int | max_format_len |
static zic_t const | max_time = MAXVAL(zic_t, TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE) |
static zic_t | max_year |
static zic_t const | min_time = MINVAL(zic_t, TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE) |
static zic_t | min_year |
static struct lookup const | mon_names [] |
static ptrdiff_t | nlinks |
static ptrdiff_t | nlinks_alloc |
static bool | noise |
static ptrdiff_t | nrules |
static ptrdiff_t | nrules_alloc |
static ptrdiff_t | nzones |
static ptrdiff_t | nzones_alloc |
static const char * | progname |
static const char * | psxrules |
static ptrdiff_t const | PTRDIFF_MAX = MAXVAL(ptrdiff_t, TYPE_BIT(ptrdiff_t)) |
static const char * | rfilename |
static lineno | rlinenum |
static char | roll [TZ_MAX_LEAPS] |
static struct rule * | rules |
static ptrdiff_t | timecnt |
static ptrdiff_t | timecnt_alloc |
static zic_t | trans [TZ_MAX_LEAPS] |
static bool | ttisgmts [TZ_MAX_TYPES] |
static bool | ttisstds [TZ_MAX_TYPES] |
static int | typecnt |
static bool | warnings |
static struct lookup const | wday_names [] |
static const char * | yitcommand |
static struct zone * | zones |
#define BIG_BANG (- (1LL << 59)) |
#define DC_DOM 0 /* 1..31 */ /* unused */ |
Referenced by outzone(), rulesub(), stringrule(), and stringzone().
#define DC_DOWGEQ 1 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */ |
Referenced by rpytime(), rulesub(), and stringrule().
#define DC_DOWLEQ 2 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */ |
Referenced by rpytime(), rulesub(), and stringrule().
#define DO | ( | field | ) | fwrite(tzh.field, sizeof tzh.field, 1, fp) |
Referenced by writezone().
#define LC_LEAP 3 |
Referenced by infile().
#define LC_LINK 2 |
Referenced by infile().
#define LC_RULE 0 |
Referenced by infile().
#define LC_ZONE 1 |
Referenced by infile().
Referenced by rpytime().
#define LEAP_FIELDS 7 |
Referenced by inleap().
#define LF_FROM 1 |
Referenced by inlink().
#define LF_TO 2 |
Referenced by inlink().
#define LINK_FIELDS 3 |
Referenced by inlink().
#define linkat | ( | fromdir, | |
from, | |||
todir, | |||
to, | |||
flag | |||
) | (itssymlink(from) ? (errno = ENOTSUP, -1) : link(from, to)) |
Referenced by hardlinkerr().
#define LP_CORR 5 |
Referenced by inleap().
#define LP_DAY 3 |
Referenced by inleap().
#define LP_MONTH 2 |
Referenced by inleap().
#define LP_ROLL 6 |
Referenced by inleap().
#define LP_TIME 4 |
Referenced by inleap().
#define LP_YEAR 1 |
Referenced by inleap().
#define MKDIR_UMASK 0755 |
Referenced by mkdirs().
Referenced by ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(), and inzone().
#define PRIdZIC PRIdFAST64 |
Referenced by yearistype().
#define RF_ABBRVAR 9 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_COMMAND 4 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_DAY 6 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_HIYEAR 3 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_LOYEAR 2 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_MONTH 5 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_NAME 1 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_STDOFF 8 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RF_TOD 7 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define RULE_FIELDS 10 |
Referenced by inrule().
#define SCNdZIC SCNdFAST64 |
#define TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE 64 |
#define YR_MAXIMUM 1 |
Referenced by rulesub().
#define YR_MINIMUM 0 |
Referenced by rulesub().
#define YR_ONLY 2 |
Referenced by rulesub().
#define ZF_FORMAT 4 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZF_GMTOFF 2 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZF_RULE 3 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZF_TILDAY 7 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZF_TILMONTH 6 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZF_TILTIME 8 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZF_TILYEAR 5 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZFC_FORMAT 2 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZFC_GMTOFF 0 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZFC_RULE 1 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZFC_TILDAY 5 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZFC_TILMONTH 4 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZFC_TILTIME 6 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZFC_TILYEAR 3 |
Referenced by inzsub().
#define ZIC_MAX INT_FAST64_MAX |
Referenced by newabbr().
#define ZIC_MIN INT_FAST64_MIN |
#define ZIC_VERSION '3' |
Referenced by outzone().
#define ZIC_VERSION_PRE_2013 '2' |
Referenced by outzone().
#define ZONE_MAXFIELDS 9 |
Referenced by inzone().
#define ZONE_MINFIELDS 5 |
Referenced by inzcont().
typedef int_fast64_t zic_t |
static |
Referenced by doabbr().
static |
References attype::at, attypes, attype::dontmerge, growalloc(), timecnt, type(), and attype::type.
Referenced by outzone().
static |
References _, charcnt, EXIT_FAILURE, gmtoff(), newabbr(), typecnt, and TZ_MAX_TYPES.
Referenced by outzone(), and writezone().
static |
References _, eat(), EXIT_FAILURE, gethms(), nrules, nzones, rule::r_filename, rule::r_linenum, rule::r_name, rcomp(), zone::z_filename, zone::z_format_specifier, zone::z_linenum, zone::z_nrules, zone::z_rule, zone::z_rules, and zone::z_stdoff.
Referenced by main().
static |
Referenced by writezone().
static |
References _, and PRIdLINENO.
static |
static |
static |
References _, EXIT_FAILURE, and mkdirs().
Referenced by main().
static |
static |
References _, and EXIT_FAILURE.
Referenced by dolink(), infile(), main(), usage(), and writezone().
static |
References _.
Referenced by namecheck().
static |
Referenced by puttzcode(), and writezone().
static |
Referenced by puttzcode64().
static |
References abbroffset(), is_alpha(), PERCENT_Z_LEN_BOUND, zone::z_format, zone::z_format_specifier, and zone::z_gmtoff.
Referenced by outzone(), and stringzone().
static |
References _, close_file(), ENOTSUP, EXIT_FAILURE, hardlinkerr(), itsdir(), itssymlink(), mkdirs(), and relname().
Referenced by main().
static |
References eats().
Referenced by associate(), infile(), main(), and outzone().
static |
static |
References memcheck().
Referenced by getfields(), itsdir(), outzone(), relname(), writezone(), and yearistype().
static |
References memcheck().
Referenced by growalloc().
static |
Referenced by infile().
static |
References _, emalloc(), EXIT_FAILURE, is_space(), and size_product().
Referenced by associate(), inleap(), inrule(), inzsub(), and rulesub().
static |
References _, erealloc(), memory_exhausted(), PTRDIFF_MAX, SIZE_MAX, size_product(), and WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071.
static |
static |
References _, byword(), close_file(), eat(), EXIT_FAILURE, getfields(), inleap(), inlink(), inrule(), inzcont(), inzone(), lookup::l_value, LC_LEAP, LC_LINK, LC_RULE, and LC_ZONE.
Referenced by main().
static |
References _, byword(), EPOCH_YEAR, gethms(), isleap, lookup::l_value, LEAP_FIELDS, leapadd(), LP_CORR, LP_DAY, LP_MONTH, LP_ROLL, LP_TIME, LP_YEAR, oadd(), SCNdZIC, SECSPERDAY, tadd(), and TM_JANUARY.
Referenced by infile().
static |
References _, ecpyalloc(), filename, growalloc(), link::l_filename, link::l_from, link::l_linenum, link::l_to, LF_FROM, LF_TO, linenum, LINK_FIELDS, and namecheck().
Referenced by infile().
static |
References _, ecpyalloc(), filename, gethms(), growalloc(), linenum, rule::r_abbrvar, rule::r_filename, rule::r_linenum, rule::r_name, rule::r_stdoff, RF_ABBRVAR, RF_COMMAND, RF_DAY, RF_HIYEAR, RF_LOYEAR, RF_MONTH, RF_NAME, RF_STDOFF, RF_TOD, RULE_FIELDS, and rulesub().
Referenced by infile().
static |
References _, inzsub(), and ZONEC_MAXFIELDS.
Referenced by infile().
static |
Referenced by infile().
References _, ecpyalloc(), filename, gethms(), growalloc(), linenum, namecheck(), rule::r_filename, rule::r_linenum, rule::r_loyear, rpytime(), rulesub(), zone::z_filename, zone::z_format, zone::z_format_specifier, zone::z_gmtoff, zone::z_linenum, zone::z_name, zone::z_rule, zone::z_untilrule, zone::z_untiltime, ZF_FORMAT, ZF_GMTOFF, ZF_NAME, ZF_RULE, ZF_TILDAY, ZF_TILMONTH, ZF_TILTIME, ZF_TILYEAR, ZFC_FORMAT, ZFC_GMTOFF, ZFC_RULE, ZFC_TILDAY, ZFC_TILMONTH, ZFC_TILTIME, and ZFC_TILYEAR.
References INT32_MAX, and INT32_MIN.
Referenced by writezone().
static |
Referenced by abbrok(), doabbr(), istrftime(), mkdirs(), and newabbr().
static |
Referenced by getfields().
static |
static |
References _, EXIT_FAILURE, leapcnt, and TZ_MAX_LEAPS.
Referenced by inleap().
int main | ( | int | argc, |
char ** | argv | ||
) |
References _, adjleap(), associate(), change_directory(), close_file(), dolink(), eat(), EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS, infile(), nlinks, nzones, outzone(), PKGVERSION, TYPE_BIT, TZ_DOMAIN, TZDEFAULT, TZDEFRULES, TZDIR, TZVERSION, usage(), and zone::z_name.
static |
References memory_exhausted().
Referenced by ecpyalloc(), emalloc(), and erealloc().
static |
References _, and EXIT_FAILURE.
Referenced by growalloc(), memcheck(), and size_product().
static |
References _, ecpyalloc(), EXIT_FAILURE, is_alpha(), itsdir(), and MKDIR_UMASK.
Referenced by change_directory(), dolink(), and writezone().
static |
References _, and componentcheck().
static |
Referenced by addtype().
static |
static |
References _, addtt(), addtype(), attype::at, attypes, DC_DOM, doabbr(), attype::dontmerge, eat(), eats(), emalloc(), EPOCH_YEAR, gmtoff(), INITIALIZE, max_abbrvar_len, max_year, oadd(), rule::r_abbrvar, rule::r_dayofmonth, rule::r_dycode, rule::r_filename, rule::r_hiwasnum, rule::r_hiyear, rule::r_linenum, rule::r_lowasnum, rule::r_loyear, rule::r_month, rule::r_stdoff, rule::r_temp, rule::r_tod, rule::r_todisgmt, rule::r_todisstd, rule::r_todo, rule::r_yrtype, rpytime(), stringzone(), tadd(), timecnt, TM_JANUARY, type(), updateminmax(), writezone(), YEAR_BY_YEAR_ZONE, yearistype(), YEARSPERREPEAT, zone::z_filename, zone::z_format, zone::z_gmtoff, zone::z_linenum, zone::z_name, zone::z_nrules, zone::z_rules, zone::z_stdoff, zone::z_untilrule, zone::z_untiltime, ZIC_MAX, ZIC_MIN, ZIC_VERSION, and ZIC_VERSION_PRE_2013.
Referenced by main().
static |
References convert().
Referenced by writezone().
static |
References convert64().
Referenced by writezone().
static |
Referenced by associate().
static |
References _, DC_DOWGEQ, DC_DOWLEQ, EPOCH_WDAY, EPOCH_YEAR, EXIT_FAILURE, isleap, LDAYSPERWEEK, max_time, min_time, oadd(), rule::r_dayofmonth, rule::r_dycode, rule::r_month, rule::r_tod, rule::r_wday, SECSPERDAY, tadd(), TM_FEBRUARY, TM_JANUARY, ZIC_MAX, and ZIC_MIN.
References rule::r_dayofmonth, rule::r_hiyear, and rule::r_month.
Referenced by stringzone().
static |
References _, byword(), DC_DOM, DC_DOWGEQ, DC_DOWLEQ, ecpyalloc(), EXIT_FAILURE, gethms(), lookup::l_value, lowerit(), rule::r_dayofmonth, rule::r_dycode, rule::r_hiwasnum, rule::r_hiyear, rule::r_lowasnum, rule::r_loyear, rule::r_month, rule::r_tod, rule::r_todisgmt, rule::r_todisstd, rule::r_wday, rule::r_yrtype, SCNdZIC, YR_MAXIMUM, YR_MINIMUM, YR_ONLY, ZIC_MAX, and ZIC_MIN.
static |
Referenced by yearistype().
static |
References _, memory_exhausted(), and SIZE_MAX.
Referenced by getfields(), growalloc(), and writezone().
static |
Referenced by stringrule(), and stringzone().
static |
References DAYSPERWEEK, DC_DOM, DC_DOWGEQ, DC_DOWLEQ, gmtoff(), MINSPERHOUR, rule::r_dayofmonth, rule::r_dycode, rule::r_month, rule::r_stdoff, rule::r_tod, rule::r_todisgmt, rule::r_todisstd, rule::r_wday, SECSPERDAY, SECSPERMIN, stringoffset(), and TM_FEBRUARY.
Referenced by stringzone().
static |
References DC_DOM, doabbr(), MINSPERHOUR, rule::r_abbrvar, rule::r_dayofmonth, rule::r_dycode, rule::r_hiwasnum, rule::r_hiyear, rule::r_month, rule::r_stdoff, rule::r_tod, rule::r_todisgmt, rule::r_todisstd, rule::r_yrtype, rule_cmp(), SECSPERDAY, SECSPERMIN, stringoffset(), stringrule(), TM_DECEMBER, TM_JANUARY, YEAR_BY_YEAR_ZONE, zone::z_gmtoff, zone::z_nrules, zone::z_rules, zone::z_stdoff, and ZIC_MAX.
Referenced by outzone().
static |
References max_time, min_time, and time_overflow().
Referenced by adjleap(), inleap(), outzone(), rpytime(), and writezone().
static |
References _, and EXIT_FAILURE.
static |
References _, close_file(), EXIT_SUCCESS, and REPORT_BUGS_TO.
Referenced by main().
static |
References _, addtype(), attype::at, atcomp(), attypes, close_file(), convert(), DO, emalloc(), EXIT_FAILURE, INT32_MIN, is32(), leapcnt, mkdirs(), puttzcode(), puttzcode64(), size_product(), tadd(), timecnt, type(), attype::type, typecnt, TZ_MAGIC, TZ_MAX_CHARS, TZ_MAX_TIMES, TZ_MAX_TYPES, tzhead::tzh_charcnt, tzhead::tzh_leapcnt, tzhead::tzh_magic, tzhead::tzh_reserved, tzhead::tzh_timecnt, tzhead::tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzhead::tzh_ttisstdcnt, tzhead::tzh_typecnt, tzhead::tzh_version, and WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071.
Referenced by outzone().
References _, emalloc(), EXIT_FAILURE, INT_STRLEN_MAXIMUM, PRIdZIC, shellquote(), WEXITSTATUS, and WIFEXITED.
Referenced by outzone().
static |
static |
Referenced by addtt(), outzone(), and writezone().
static |
static |
Referenced by addtype(), tzloadbody(), and tzparse().
static |
static |
Referenced by timesub(), and tzloadbody().
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
Referenced by adjleap(), leapadd(), tzloadbody(), and writezone().
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
Referenced by outzone().
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
Referenced by main().
static |
static |
static |
Referenced by associate().
static |
static |
Referenced by associate(), inzone(), and main().
static |
static |
static |
Referenced by growalloc().
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
Referenced by addtt(), outzone(), tzloadbody(), tzparse(), and writezone().
static |
static |
Referenced by tzloadbody().
static |
static |
static |
Referenced by addtype(), tzloadbody(), and writezone().
static |
static |
static |
static |