Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CGPInternal helper class for the procGit parser routine
 CMDomNodeListHelper class: more flexible version of QDomNodeList
 CMDomQueryDOM Query Class
 CMFileOverwrites QFile to only generate a file if its new version differs from an existing one, it creates a temporary file with ",new" added to the file name; additionally it records all file names that it touches; this is not a complete implementation - just enough for woc; it assumes that files are opened to be (re)created
 CQtCTransInternal cache to hold the output for one transaction, a reference to this struct is handed arout WocQtClientTransaction
 CQtSTransInternal helper to hold the output for one transaction, this is handed around WocQtServerTransaction
 CWocClassStores a communication class including serialization and deserialization information
 Cs_mapMappings: "table-name" => List of ("column-name","property-name")
 Cs_propProperty info
 CWocEnumHelper structure to store enums in classes and tables
 CWocHtmlOutOutput target for HTML documentation
 CWocOutputBase class of all output generators
 CWocPHPClassGenerates output for a PHP server side
 CWocPHPClientOutSpecialization that creates a PHP client
 CWocPHPClientTransactionGenerates output for a PHP server side
 CWocPHPOutAbstract base class for generating output for PHP
 CWocPHPServerOutSpecialization that creates a PHP server
 CWocPHPServerTransactionGenerates output for a PHP server side
 CWocPHPTableGenerates output for a PHP server side
 CWocPHPTransactionGenerates output for a PHP server side
 CWocProcessorCentral processing singleton
 CWocQtClassSpecialization that outputs classes for WocQtOut and its sub-classes
 CWocQtClientOutSpecialization that generates adequate output for Qt clients
 CWocQtClientTransactionGenerates Qt code for transactions, the target is the client
 Cs_transdocMemory for transaction and privilege docu
 CWocQtOutAbstract base class for Qt client and server output
 CWocQtServerOutSpecialization that generates adequate output for Qt servers
 CWocQtServerTransactionSpecialization for generating transactions for a Qt server target, used by WocQtServerOut
 CWocQtTableGenerates code for DB table wrappers in Qt so far this class is non-functional
 CWocQtTransactionAbstract base class for Qt transaction generator
 CWocSchemaOutGenerates output for a schema file
 CWocSoapOutGenerates output for a schema file
 CWocTableStores the internal representation of a database table and its abstraction class
 Cs_colHolds data for a DB table column
 CWocTransactionInternal representation of a transaction