| __construct ($server, $user, $pass) |
| __destruct () |
| setPrefix ($pre) |
| setDbName ($dbn) |
| dbName () |
| return the name of the database More...
| setStorageEngine ($e) |
| setCharacterSet ($cs, $col="%_bin") |
| tryConnect () |
| isConnected () |
| check whether the DB object is connected to an actual database More...
| hasTable ($tnm) |
| beginTransaction () |
| commitTransaction () |
| rollbackTransaction () |
| sqlBeginTransaction () |
| sqlCommitTransaction () |
| sqlRollbackTransaction () |
| select ($table, $cols, $where="", $orderby="") |
| tableName ($tn) |
| insert ($table, array $values) |
| update ($table, array $values, $where) |
| deleteRows ($table, $where) |
| lastError () |
| escapeString ($s) |
| escapeBlob ($s) |
| escapeBool ($b) |
| tryConnect () |
| isConnected () |
| check whether the DB object is connected to an actual database More...
| setAdminPassCode ($u, $p) |
| checkAdmin () |
| canAdministrate () |
| needVersion () |
| hasTable ($tablename) |
| beginTransaction () |
| commitTransaction () |
| rollbackTransaction () |
| select ($table, $cols, $where="", $orderby="") |
| insert ($table, array $values) |
| update ($table, array $values, $where) |
| deleteRows ($table, $where) |
| dbName () |
| returns the name of the database the instance is connected to More...
| tableName ($tname) |
| sqlSelect ($table, $cols, $where, $orderby) |
| sqlBeginTransaction () |
| sqlCommitTransaction () |
| sqlRollbackTransaction () |
| escapeInt ($i) |
| escapeIntList (array $il) |
| escapeStringList (array $il) |
| escapeListColumn (array $il, $table, $col) |
| escapeString ($s) |
| escapeBlob ($s) |
| escapeBool ($s) |
| escapeColumn ($table, $col, $val) |
| getConfig ($key) |
| setConfig ($key, $val) |
| canUseDb ($checkVersion=true) |
| createDb () |
| showCreateDb () |
| upgradeDb ($doexec=true) |
| Upgrades the database, used by admin.php. More...
| lastError () |
| isNull ($val) |
| transactionIsUpdating () |
| setTransactionUpdating ($tm) |
| dumpBackup () |
| exploreBackup () |
| syncSequences () |
| syncSequence ($table) |
| restoreData ($file, $overwrite) |
| lockDB ($wl) |
| unlockDB () |
| createTable ($tn, $t) |
| sqlCreateTable ($tn, $t) |
| createTableExtras ($tablename, $table) |
| upgradeTable ($tablename, $doexec) |
| dataType ($type) |
| columnFlag ($flag, $col, $table, $cflags) |
| lockDB ($writelock) |
| unlockDB () |
| createTable ($tablename, $table) |
| dataType ($type) |
| columnFlag ($flag, $col, $table, $cflags) |
| sqlCreateTable ($tablename, $table) |
| sqlCreateColumn ($tablename, $columnname, $columndef, $flags=self::COLUMN_CREATE_ALL) |
| creates SQL92 part of a statement for creating a single column More...
| createTableExtras ($tablename, $table) |
| sqlCreateTablePrimaryKey (array $cols) |
| sqlCreateTableUniqueConstraint (array $constraints) |
| creates the complex unique constraints; overwrite this to implement DB specific syntax More...
| sqlInsert ($table, array $values) |
| sqlDelete ($table, $where) |
| sqlUpdate ($table, array $values, $where) |
| upgradeTable ($tablename, $doexec) |
| helper for upgradeDb -> upgrades a single table More...
MySQL adaptation of DB-Engine