PACK WOC Documentation


Woc is the central pre-processor that turns WOLF-Files into source code. It is organized in a hierarchy of classes: a frontend parser that reads in WOLF files and several backends that generate the target code.

The front-end WOLF parser is in the "proc" directory. Its main class is WocProcessor.

The HTML back-end is located in the WocHtmlOut class.

The SOAP back-end is in the "soap" directory with the WocSoapOut class as the main output class.

The Qt back-end is in the "qt" directory with WocQtOut, WocQtClientOut, and WocQtServerOut as the main output classes.

The PHP back-end is in the "php" directory with WocPHPOut, WocPHPClientOut, and WocPHPServerOut as the main output classes.