Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ELAM::AnyTypeThis type is not actually used, its ID is used as a fallback to tell operators, functions and engines that any supported type can be used
ELAM::BinaryOperatorWraps a particular binary operator
ELAM::BoolEngineA boolean and logic math enabled engine
ELAM::CharacterClassSettingsThis class holds the character classes used by an Engine
ELAM::EngineThe calculation engine of
ELAM::ExceptionObjects of this class represent an exception in the evaluation of an ELAM expression
ELAM::ExpressionRepresents an expression in the context of its engine
ELAM::FloatEngineEngine that has floating point (double) numbers implemented
ELAM::IntEngineInteger math enabled engine
ELAM::IntFloatEngineEngine with integer and float math pre-installed, see IntEngine and FloatEngine
ELAM::PositionA character position inside a text/string that is being evaluated
ELAM::StringEngineInteger math enabled engine
ELAM::TokenRepresents a single token in a parsed expression
ELAM::UnaryOperatorWraps a particular unary operator
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