Table role

Column NameTypePropertiesDocu


"_admin""Admin Users""_admin"
"_web""Web Interface, Customers""_web"
"Auditing""allows to retrieve audit data (privileged info!)"""
"CustomerManagement""creating and changing customers"""
"Entrance""checking tickets at the entrance (incl. paying for unpaid tickets)"""
"EventList""show Information about Events"""
"EventManagement""managing events, artists, etc."""
"OrderAdvanced""advanced functions: changing item price category, etc. (privileged)"""
"OrderCancelling""allows to cancel orders or items inside orders"""
"OrderHighPrivilege""high privilege functions for orders (no audit)"""
"OrderListing""user can see existing orders"""
"OrderMoney""allows to pay/refund with money or vouchers"""
"OrderTickets""extends Ordering/Selling: allows to add tickets"""
"OrderVouchers""extends Ordering/Selling: allows to add vouchers"""
"Ordering""basics for creating orders (to be shipped, needs more roles to work)"""
"Printing""user can print anything he/she can see"""
"Reserving""create reservations and change them into orders (may need more roles)"""
"Selling""basics for creating sales (over the counter, needs more roles to work)"""
"Shipping""ship orders"""
"TemplateManagement""create/change/delete templates"""
"UserAdmin""add/delete/change user rights"""
"UserBase""basic user rights"""