MagicSmoke  $VERSION$
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #ifndef WOBGEN_MOServerFormat
4 #define WOBGEN_MOServerFormat
9 #endif
11 #include "WObject"
12 #include <QCoreApplication>
16 {
18  public:
19  Q_ENUMS(MoneyPos);
21  enum MoneyPos{
23  NoSign=0,
25  SignBeforeNum=1,
27  SignAfterNum=2,
29  SignBeforeSym=3,
31  SignAfterSym=4,
33  SignParen=5
34  };
36  static MoneyPos str2MoneyPos(QString,bool*ok=0);
38  static QString MoneyPos2str(MoneyPos);
40  static MoneyPos locstr2MoneyPos(QString,bool*ok=0);
42  static QString MoneyPos2locstr(MoneyPos);
44  Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> weekdays READ weekdays WRITE setweekdays)
46  Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> shortweekdays READ shortweekdays WRITE setshortweekdays)
48  Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> months READ months WRITE setmonths)
50  Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> shortmonths READ shortmonths WRITE setshortmonths)
52  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> dateformat READ dateformat WRITE setdateformat)
54  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> timeformat READ timeformat WRITE settimeformat)
56  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> datetimeformat READ datetimeformat WRITE setdatetimeformat)
58  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> amtext READ amtext WRITE setamtext)
60  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> pmtext READ pmtext WRITE setpmtext)
62  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> decimaldot READ decimaldot WRITE setdecimaldot)
64  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> thousandseparator READ thousandseparator WRITE setthousandseparator)
66  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<qint64> thousanddigits READ thousanddigits WRITE setthousanddigits)
68  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<qint64> moneydecimals READ moneydecimals WRITE setmoneydecimals)
70  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> currencysymbol READ currencysymbol WRITE setcurrencysymbol)
72  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> currencysymbolhtml READ currencysymbolhtml WRITE setcurrencysymbolhtml)
74  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> currencysymbolplain READ currencysymbolplain WRITE setcurrencysymbolplain)
76  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<bool> currencysymbolpos READ currencysymbolpos WRITE setcurrencysymbolpos)
78  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> moneynegative READ moneynegative WRITE setmoneynegative)
80  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> moneypositive READ moneypositive WRITE setmoneypositive)
82  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<MoneyPos> moneypositivepos READ moneypositivepos WRITE setmoneypositivepos)
84  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<MoneyPos> moneynegativepos READ moneynegativepos WRITE setmoneynegativepos)
86  Q_PROPERTY(Nullable<QString> timezone READ timezone WRITE settimezone)
87  protected:
88  QList<QString> mp_weekdays;
89  QList<QString> mp_shortweekdays;
90  QList<QString> mp_months;
91  QList<QString> mp_shortmonths;
92  Nullable<QString> mp_dateformat;
93  Nullable<QString> mp_timeformat;
94  Nullable<QString> mp_datetimeformat;
95  Nullable<QString> mp_amtext;
96  Nullable<QString> mp_pmtext;
97  Nullable<QString> mp_decimaldot;
98  Nullable<QString> mp_thousandseparator;
99  Nullable<qint64> mp_thousanddigits;
100  Nullable<qint64> mp_moneydecimals;
101  Nullable<QString> mp_currencysymbol;
102  Nullable<QString> mp_currencysymbolhtml;
103  Nullable<QString> mp_currencysymbolplain;
104  Nullable<bool> mp_currencysymbolpos;
105  Nullable<QString> mp_moneynegative;
106  Nullable<QString> mp_moneypositive;
107  Nullable<MoneyPos> mp_moneypositivepos;
108  Nullable<MoneyPos> mp_moneynegativepos;
109  Nullable<QString> mp_timezone;
110  public:
112  virtual QList<QString> weekdays()const{return mp_weekdays;}
114  virtual QList<QString> shortweekdays()const{return mp_shortweekdays;}
116  virtual QList<QString> months()const{return mp_months;}
118  virtual QList<QString> shortmonths()const{return mp_shortmonths;}
120  virtual Nullable<QString> dateformat()const{return mp_dateformat;}
122  virtual Nullable<QString> timeformat()const{return mp_timeformat;}
124  virtual Nullable<QString> datetimeformat()const{return mp_datetimeformat;}
126  virtual Nullable<QString> amtext()const{return mp_amtext;}
128  virtual Nullable<QString> pmtext()const{return mp_pmtext;}
130  virtual Nullable<QString> decimaldot()const{return mp_decimaldot;}
132  virtual Nullable<QString> thousandseparator()const{return mp_thousandseparator;}
134  virtual Nullable<qint64> thousanddigits()const{return mp_thousanddigits;}
136  virtual Nullable<qint64> moneydecimals()const{return mp_moneydecimals;}
138  virtual Nullable<QString> currencysymbol()const{return mp_currencysymbol;}
140  virtual Nullable<QString> currencysymbolhtml()const{return mp_currencysymbolhtml;}
142  virtual Nullable<QString> currencysymbolplain()const{return mp_currencysymbolplain;}
144  virtual Nullable<bool> currencysymbolpos()const{return mp_currencysymbolpos;}
146  virtual Nullable<QString> moneynegative()const{return mp_moneynegative;}
148  virtual Nullable<QString> moneypositive()const{return mp_moneypositive;}
150  virtual Nullable<MoneyPos> moneypositivepos()const{return mp_moneypositivepos;}
152  virtual Nullable<MoneyPos> moneynegativepos()const{return mp_moneynegativepos;}
154  virtual Nullable<QString> timezone()const{return mp_timezone;}
156  virtual void setweekdays(QList<QString> s){mp_weekdays=s;}
157  virtual void clearweekdays(){mp_weekdays.clear();}
158  virtual void addweekdays(Nullable<QString> a){mp_weekdays.append(a);}
160  virtual void setshortweekdays(QList<QString> s){mp_shortweekdays=s;}
161  virtual void clearshortweekdays(){mp_shortweekdays.clear();}
162  virtual void addshortweekdays(Nullable<QString> a){mp_shortweekdays.append(a);}
164  virtual void setmonths(QList<QString> s){mp_months=s;}
165  virtual void clearmonths(){mp_months.clear();}
166  virtual void addmonths(Nullable<QString> a){mp_months.append(a);}
168  virtual void setshortmonths(QList<QString> s){mp_shortmonths=s;}
169  virtual void clearshortmonths(){mp_shortmonths.clear();}
170  virtual void addshortmonths(Nullable<QString> a){mp_shortmonths.append(a);}
172  virtual void setdateformat(Nullable<QString> s){mp_dateformat=s;}
174  virtual void settimeformat(Nullable<QString> s){mp_timeformat=s;}
176  virtual void setdatetimeformat(Nullable<QString> s){mp_datetimeformat=s;}
178  virtual void setamtext(Nullable<QString> s){mp_amtext=s;}
180  virtual void setpmtext(Nullable<QString> s){mp_pmtext=s;}
182  virtual void setdecimaldot(Nullable<QString> s){mp_decimaldot=s;}
184  virtual void setthousandseparator(Nullable<QString> s){mp_thousandseparator=s;}
186  virtual void setthousanddigits(Nullable<qint64> s){mp_thousanddigits=s;}
188  virtual void setmoneydecimals(Nullable<qint64> s){mp_moneydecimals=s;}
190  virtual void setcurrencysymbol(Nullable<QString> s){mp_currencysymbol=s;}
192  virtual void setcurrencysymbolhtml(Nullable<QString> s){mp_currencysymbolhtml=s;}
194  virtual void setcurrencysymbolplain(Nullable<QString> s){mp_currencysymbolplain=s;}
196  virtual void setcurrencysymbolpos(Nullable<bool> s){mp_currencysymbolpos=s;}
198  virtual void setmoneynegative(Nullable<QString> s){mp_moneynegative=s;}
200  virtual void setmoneypositive(Nullable<QString> s){mp_moneypositive=s;}
202  virtual void setmoneypositivepos(Nullable<MoneyPos> s){mp_moneypositivepos=s;}
204  virtual void setmoneynegativepos(Nullable<MoneyPos> s){mp_moneynegativepos=s;}
206  virtual void settimezone(Nullable<QString> s){mp_timezone=s;}
207  public:
209  QString toString();
213  QDomElement toXml(QDomDocument&doc,QString name="ServerFormat");
215  void toXml(QDomDocument&,QDomElement&);
216  public:
218  MOServerFormat():WObject(){}
222  MOServerFormat& operator=(const MOServerFormat&);
224  explicit MOServerFormat(const QDomElement&);
226  static MOServerFormat fromXml(const QDomElement&);
228  static MOServerFormat fromString(const QString&);
230  virtual ~MOServerFormat(){}
232 };
234 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<MOServerFormat::MoneyPos>)
240 #endif
virtual void setweekdays(QList< QString > s)
The list of week day names, starting with monday.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:156
virtual void setmonths(QList< QString > s)
The list of month names.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:164
virtual void setcurrencysymbolplain(Nullable< QString > s)
The currency used in ASCII notation.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:194
virtual Nullable< QString > timezone() const
Olsen database time zone name.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:154
virtual Nullable< QString > moneynegative() const
Zero to three characters: for negative money values the first one is placed in front of the money val...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:146
virtual QList< QString > shortmonths() const
The list of abbreviated month names.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:118
virtual QList< QString > shortweekdays() const
The list of abbreviated week day names, starting with monday.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:114
virtual Nullable< QString > currencysymbolplain() const
The currency used in ASCII notation.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:142
virtual Nullable< QString > pmtext() const
The text for PM in time stamps.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:128
virtual void setmoneydecimals(Nullable< qint64 > s)
The amount of decimals for money values - this must be the same for all languages on a server...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:188
virtual Nullable< qint64 > thousanddigits() const
The amount of digits between thousand separators, 0 for no thousand separator.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:134
virtual void setcurrencysymbol(Nullable< QString > s)
The currency used.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:190
virtual void setdecimaldot(Nullable< QString > s)
The decimal dot for numbers.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:182
virtual Nullable< QString > currencysymbol() const
The currency used.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:138
virtual Nullable< QString > thousandseparator() const
The thousand separator for numbers, if it is a space the Web UI will actually use   to prevent breaki...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:132
virtual Nullable< QString > timeformat() const
The default format for time.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:122
virtual Nullable< QString > datetimeformat() const
The default format for date and time.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:124
virtual ~MOServerFormat()
destructor: deletes this copy of the object
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:230
virtual Nullable< QString > currencysymbolhtml() const
The currency used in HTML notation.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:140
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:8
virtual void addweekdays(Nullable< QString > a)
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:158
virtual void addshortmonths(Nullable< QString > a)
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:170
virtual void setthousandseparator(Nullable< QString > s)
The thousand separator for numbers, if it is a space the Web UI will actually use   to prevent breaki...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:184
virtual Nullable< MoneyPos > moneynegativepos() const
position of the negative money sign
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:152
virtual void setmoneynegative(Nullable< QString > s)
Zero to three characters: for negative money values the first one is placed in front of the money val...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:198
Position of the money sign in relation to number and currency symbol.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:21
virtual Nullable< QString > amtext() const
The text for AM in time stamps.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:126
virtual void addmonths(Nullable< QString > a)
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:166
virtual void clearshortmonths()
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:169
virtual void setdatetimeformat(Nullable< QString > s)
The default format for date and time.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:176
virtual void setmoneypositive(Nullable< QString > s)
Zero to three characters: for positive money values the first one is placed in front of the money val...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:200
virtual Nullable< MoneyPos > moneypositivepos() const
position of the positive money sign
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:150
virtual Nullable< qint64 > moneydecimals() const
The amount of decimals for money values - this must be the same for all languages on a server...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:136
virtual Nullable< bool > currencysymbolpos() const
Where the currency symbol is found: false: before the number, true: behind the number.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:144
virtual void clearshortweekdays()
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:161
virtual void setcurrencysymbolpos(Nullable< bool > s)
Where the currency symbol is found: false: before the number, true: behind the number.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:196
virtual void setmoneypositivepos(Nullable< MoneyPos > s)
position of the positive money sign
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:202
virtual void setshortmonths(QList< QString > s)
The list of abbreviated month names.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:168
virtual void settimezone(Nullable< QString > s)
Olsen database time zone name.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:206
virtual void clearmonths()
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:165
virtual void setmoneynegativepos(Nullable< MoneyPos > s)
position of the negative money sign
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:204
virtual QList< QString > months() const
The list of month names.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:116
virtual Nullable< QString > moneypositive() const
Zero to three characters: for positive money values the first one is placed in front of the money val...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:148
virtual void setamtext(Nullable< QString > s)
The text for AM in time stamps.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:178
Transport class for server formatting settings. This is used by both UIs to format numbers...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:15
virtual void setshortweekdays(QList< QString > s)
The list of abbreviated week day names, starting with monday.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:160
virtual Nullable< QString > dateformat() const
The default format for dates, see the docu of MLocalFormat (Qt side) and LanguageManager (PHP side) f...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:120
virtual void settimeformat(Nullable< QString > s)
The default format for time.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:174
virtual void clearweekdays()
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:157
virtual void setdateformat(Nullable< QString > s)
The default format for dates, see the docu of MLocalFormat (Qt side) and LanguageManager (PHP side) f...
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:172
virtual void addshortweekdays(Nullable< QString > a)
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:162
virtual void setthousanddigits(Nullable< qint64 > s)
The amount of digits between thousand separators, 0 for no thousand separator.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:186
default constructor: constructs an invalid instance of MOServerFormat
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:218
virtual void setpmtext(Nullable< QString > s)
The text for PM in time stamps.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:180
virtual Nullable< QString > decimaldot() const
The decimal dot for numbers.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:130
virtual void setcurrencysymbolhtml(Nullable< QString > s)
The currency used in HTML notation.
Definition: srcMOServerFormat.h:192