Magic Smoke Documentation



© Konrad Rosenbaum, 2007-2012
© Peter Keller, 2007/8

MagicSmoke is licensed under GPL (Client), AGPL (Server), and FDL (Documentation). Please see the Licensing page for details.

There are several external sources that are used by MagicSmoke, which are (partly or wholly) under different copyrights, see their README files for details.


Magic Smoke was written to keep track of tickets for events (like concerts or theatric plays), sell them online or through your box office. It does not keep your books for you - it can only handle the orders and the payment data that is entered into it.

MagicSmoke is a client-server system in an almost classic 3-tier architecture:

The Client is able to run on almost any system that Qt runs on. It has been tested on Linux (Debian squeeze/amd64 and Ubuntu LTS/x86), Windows (32bit, MinGW) and MacOS/X (XCode, Snow Leopard).

The Server has been developed to run on Linux and other Unixes. It needs Apache, PHP5 and a MySQL or Postgres database. It may run on other systems, but it has never been tested on them.

Big Fat Warning

So far this software is beta. This means it might corrupt your data, eat your disk, sell your competitions tickets, lose track of everything, etc.pp.

This software comes with no warranty at all. You use it at your own risk.

Using Magic Smoke

Building/Installing Magic Smoke

Programmers Manual

Architectural Overviews:

External Components:

Source Documentation: